Dad Beat Dad

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25 years ago, in the frozen depths of Hell's domain, Glacia sits majestically upon her icy throne, lazily swirling a glass of wine, as the frigid winds howl outside her palace. Her loyal advisor, Eira, rushes over and bows respectfully.

"My lady, the King of Hell himself requests an audience with you! Should I turn him away?", Eira inquired. Glacia raises an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Lucifer Morningstar, here? Hmm... Let him in.", Eira replied. Eira nods and the grand doors swing open, a blast of cold air rushing in, as Lucifer enters, his pristine white suit untouched by the elements.

Lucifer strides towards the throne, their eyes locking in a moment of connection. 'He's so handsome/She's incredibly beautiful!', Lucifer and Glacia both thought simultaneously, before quickly averting their gaze.

'No, Glacia! He is the King of Hell, do not stare at him!', Glacia scolded herself inwardly. 'No, Lucifer! You are married! And this woman, as stunning as she may be, is not your wife!', Lucifer admonishes himself in his thoughts.

"So I-", Lucifer began. "So what-", Glacia started.

"Oh!", Lucifer and Glacia both exclaimed, breaking into nervous laughter. Glacia was taken aback by her own behavior, this was unlike her.

"You go first.", Lucifer suggested. "So, Your Highness, what can I do for you?", Glacia inquired, her tone tinged with curiosity.

"I wish to appoint you as the royal governess for my daughter, Charlie! None could provide better care and tutelage for the next Queen of Hell!", Lucifer declared with conviction. Glacia's eyebrows furrowed in disbelief.

"You... want me to be a nanny? Why would you think I would accept such a role?", Glacia questioned, her skepticism evident. "I understand it's a significant responsibility.", Lucifer acknowledged.

"But, rest assured, you will be well compensated for your services. And your territories will be tended to in your absence. But most importantly... I sense a kind yet lonely soul buried beneath that icy facade, my lady. My Charlie could use such warmth in her life.", Lucifer explained, his words carrying sincerity. Glacia's initial surprise gave way to contemplation as she considered Lucifer's proposal.

The idea of caring for a child, even one not her own, stirred something deep within her. He seemed to peer directly into Glacia's tender heart, hidden beneath her frosty overlord reputation.

She blinked back sudden tears, imagining a life filled with a child's laughter rather than fearful subjects. "With all due respect, Your Majesty—", Eira began to interject.

"No, Eira!", Glacia interrupted, brushing away her tears. "May I meet this child?", Glacia asked, her voice betraying a newfound hope.

A warm smile spread across Lucifer's face in response. Lucifer strides into Charlie's room, Glacia trailing behind him.

He carefully places Charlie into Glacia's waiting arms. "Hey there, Char-Char, meet the lady who'll guide you to greatness.", Lucifer cooed at Charlie, his eyes filled with hope as he looks at Glacia.

"If she'll accept the role?", Lucifer continued. Glacia gazes down at the innocent babe, her wide red eyes filled with wonder.

She feels something deep within her chest crack and melt, as hot tears stream down her cheeks. She cradles little Charlie close, overcome with emotion.

"Hello, sweet princess... I'm Glacia.", Glacia said, her voice trembling. She meets Lucifer's gaze, her heart full of gratitude.

"It would be my honor to care for such a precious gift... I gratefully accept.", Glacia continued. Lucifer's face lights up with joy as he wraps both Glacia and Charlie in a warm embrace.

When Hell Freezes Over (Various! Hazbin Hotel Series x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now