2: The Bad Batch

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Dull buzzing...bees dancing in your head.

That is the first thing you feel...the noise you hear ringing in your erase. Your whole body feels heavy-numb and solid.

Your eyelids feel glued shut and feel as if you are disjointed from reality.


"Is she breathing?" a deep voice speaks worriedly. "She looks dead."

"Back off or you'll make her dead," a sharp voice snaps.

"According to my calculations, her oxygen systems are stabilizing." a third voice speaks. "In fact it would seem as though she is starting to return to consciousness, judging by the pace of her heartbeat."

Indeed you are starting to feel your senses return. Blinking, you slowly open your eyes only to come face to face with a blinding ray of light.

    Wincing, you groan and turn your head away, scrunching your eyes shut.

    "Tech! Your light is blinding her!" a new voice scolds.


    At once the bright light disperses. You blink again. This time, you make out five figures standing in front of you, wearing gray armor of varying designs.

    Something about them looks familiar but you can't put your finger on it. Where had you seen them before?

    One of the group bends over you, one with goggles? A bright light scans over you from the datapad in his gloved hands. "Her heartbeat is starting to rise." he states matter of factly. You realize he must be some sort of medical doctor.

    Suddenly your eyes widen as you realize something...his voice....his name.

    The heavyset man in the group with the deep voice frowns, "is that a bad thing?"

    "It is due to overstimulation and possibly shock from the crash." the doctor adjusts his goggles. "It would be advisable to allow some space for her to adjust to her surroundings."

    Crash? Shock? Overstimulation? Your heart races.

    "Alright, you heard Tech," a man wearing a red bandanna with shoulder length brown hair steps forward. "Everybody take a step back and give her some space."

    Tech? Your eyes snap to the man with the goggles. Tech as in the clone from...no it couldn't be.

    Pulling yourself up shakily with one hand, you sit up and wince. Your body feels bruised all over-like it is on fire. Even so you look at the man with the bandana. Then you look at the man who is glaring at you with a scar down one side of his face You glance at the heavyset man and to the medic.

Your mind is churning. Realization strikes you and you now understand why their voices...their names...their strange gray armor...seems so familiar.

"You're The bad batch!"

The bandanna man you recognize as the clone Hunter, frowns as he looks you over warily. "The what?"

"Bad batch?" You reply, raising an eyebrow. "You know, from the tv series?"

"Tv series?" Tech adjusts his goggles again, an expression of bewilderment on his face. "Whatever is that?"

"Who cares," Wrecker interrupts, chuckling. He makes a fist and strikes it into his other palm. "Bad Batch...I like it. It sounds bad ass."

Your eyes are wide as you look at the other three clones. They are all staring at you as if you have three heads. How did they not know what tv was? What world was this?

"She must have hit her head pretty hard," Crosshairs glares at you, sullen as in the series.

"Can it Crosshairs," you snap, glaring at him.

Suddenly there is an air of tensity, and you notice the Clones are all silent, eyes narrowed on you.

"How...how do you know his name?" Hunter asks tersely.

There is a click, and you turn to see Crosshairs is holding a blaster pointed straight at your head.

"Yeah," he hisses, glaring harshly at you. "How do you know my name?"

You throw your hands up, your heart feeling as though it will explode in your chest. "Please, don't shoot. I can explain. I-"

"Crosshairs!" Hunter reaches forward and puts a hand on the clone's weapon, lowering it down. "We can't shoot her yet."

Scowling, the clone lowers his blaster. "I don't trust her."

You exhale in relief. Then reality hits you. Hunter had said, "yet." eyes large, you glance at him nervously. "Yet?" Biting your lip, you add. "I'm friendly. I swear. I-"

At once something hits you in the chest. A cold feeling creeps over you. You feel your limbs start to become numb and you slump to the ground, landing on your back.

Hunter stands looming over you, eyes narrowed as he puts his blaster away. Your eyesight becomes blurry and the last thing you hear is the leader speak.

"We'll contact the base. They'll know how to deal with her."


hehehe chapter two is out! Boy are you having an interesting adventure!

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