8: The Clones

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The non-stop crying of little Skywalker fills your ears. He has been screaming nonstop since his mother's passing...since the funeral a few days ago.  It is almost...almost as if he could sense the leaving of his mother from this world.

From where you stand on the balcony, you gaze at the shrine in Padme's honor resting a few feet away, flowers surrounding it as well as lit candles. Your heart is heavy ... never did you think you would witness the death of such a strong woman-such a famous star wars character.

Now you truly realize how real everything is that is happening to you. You wonder why, why you had to be sucked into the Star Wars world in the first place.

"Sh. sh. Hush baby," you hear the droid's automated voice as it attempts unsuccessfully to soothe the baby boy.

In your hand is an Illeees flower, native to Naboo. You place it down in front of the picture of Padme Amidala—painted of her  as she was laid to rest lying on flowers in a deep blue gown-flowers in her hair and surrouding her.

 You place it down in front of the picture of Padme Amidala—painted of her  as she was laid to rest lying on flowers in a deep blue gown-flowers in her hair and surrouding her

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"We miss you...." you whisper, tears filling your eyes. "All of us."

Turning away from the shrine, you walk over to the droid and hold your hands out, "let me try," you offer.

The droid hands the child to you, and though it is not sentient as it turns to walk away the droid sounds almost relieved. "Thank you Master Y/N."

The newborn pauses its crying for a moment, staring up at you, blue eyes wide as you rock him  "Baby Luke," you smile, lightly tapping his nose. "You have your mother's cheeks, but your father's eyes." Unlike in the movies, seeing Luke Skywalker up close, holding him...from his round face to his crystal sea blue eyes—you can see the resemblance heh as to both Pamde and Anakin. You are filled with an overwhelming sense of wonder as you hold the tiny Skywalker....Luke Skywalker...in your arms.

    Glancing back at the shrine for Padme, you turn and enter back into Bail Organa's estate house

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Glancing back at the shrine for Padme, you turn and enter back into Bail Organa's estate house. You had been waiting here while the Funeral ceremonies were taking place...soon Obi-Wan would take you somewhere safe he  said ...though you knew not where.

All at once, Luke begins whimpering and starts to cry. It's as if he is sad to leave the shrine for his mother.

"Shhh," You turn back to the newborn. He seems unsettled and an idea fills your head. Humming softly you begin to sing, ""Be still my soul. Be still and know that He is God. Rest quietly. Rest in His loving arms, for He is watching over you. Ever faithful, ever true.""

The infant smiles lightly as if laughing at you. He coos softly as you hug him to your chest, rocking him. His eyelids slowly begin to waver, and finally they close as he falls into a deep sleep.

"It seems you two have made friends," the soft voice of Obi-Wan sounds as he and Bail Organa enter the hall. Leia is in Bail's arms, her soft brown eyes wide as she stares at you.

"You have a beautiful voice," Bail adds, with a smile. "Leia was crying but as soon as she heard you, she began to smile."

You blush, gazing at the tiny little girl. Indeed her mark of tears is on her eyes but she yawns, smiling with her tiny lips at you.

"While I must say Luke is quite comfortable in your arms, however sweet that is," Obi Wan puts a hand on your shoulder. "I am afraid it is time to get you to safety."

Sighing, you look down at little Luke in your arms. If you had your way you would stay this way forever-he was so cute sleeping-his little chest rising with every small breath.

"I understand," you turn and carefully hand the child to the nursery droid waiting patiently beside you.

You bite your lip, watching as Luke whimpers slightly, moving about before he then adjusts back into his slumber. Leaning forward, you kiss him on the forehead. "Sleep well little Skywalker."

Turning you nod at  Obi-Wan-Kenobi. "I am ready."

With a nod at Bail Organa, he leads you down the halls. "With Darth Sideous in charge of the Republic under the guise of Palpatine, we must get you to safety," he explained, putting a hand on your shoulder. "I fear with your powers he will soon seek you out."

You look at the man in confusion. "But you have to tell me....how am I the chosen one? I am just a normal gi...."

"You are not from here, you are from another world," Obi-Wan Kenobi explained softly. "The Force spoke to me of your coming last night ...I have been watching and waiting for the chosen one who I thought was Anakin. I did not recognize you, but my master appeared in a vision and told me you were the one..." he sighed, shaking his head. "How I was so blind I do not know, nor do I know what the Force is calling you to do." He smiles at you. "That is for you to find out."

"B...but how," you mull over the Jedi Master's words. The Force had chosen you....Qui Gon Jinn....had told Kenobi about you? But..... "how will I know what I am supposed to do?" You ask worriedly.

Obi-Wan Kenobi paused in front of a lift. You two enter and the lift begins to lower.  He smiles at you as the doors open. "That is for you to figure out-if you trust in the Force, it will show you the way."

Turning your nose, you try to make snes  of his words. At this moment you really wished Obi-Wan was not a man of analogies and quips....how exactly were you supposed to trust in the Force? It was easy enough to see the Jedi in the movies, but in real life?

""I summoned some friends, '' Obi Wan breaks into your thoughts as he  pauses in front of the oak door to the building. "They can take you somewhere safe where the Emporer will be unable to sense your presence."

The doors whisk open and you look up. Your eyes widen and gasp at who you see.

Groaning, you run a hand down your face. "Not you guys again." You pull out your lightsaber and ignite it, taking a ready stance, ignoring the shocked expression on Obi-Wan's face.

Eyes narrowed, you stare at the four clones in front of you. "Stand back. I don't want to hurt you but I will if I have to."

Hope you didn't mind this little filler chapter-I couldn't help showing a scene with baby Leia and Luke-as you can see some certain clones are backs. what will you do next?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15 ⏰

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