Chapter 6: Sultry Techno Songs

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I leave the building as quickly as I can. I can't stand to be within 5 feet of that horrendous man.

They want me to marry him.. what a fu.cking laugh.

I re-enter the limo, making myself comfortable in the shiny leather seats. The others climb in and soon the limo is crowded.

I groan in frustration and slide over into the corner. Breathing in the still present scent of a new car, I look out the window as the car starts moving. Watching the large skyscrapers go by.

Sometime during the drive, I pass out, my head smashed against the window. I dream of red wedding dresses with silver lace, and a priest with a cage on his head. And my groom has a horrendously disfigured face. The dream is, to say the least, terrifying.
I feel a rough tugging on my slim dress, and am begrudgingly awoken.


"Mmhhhh.. no... let me sleep."

I curl into a ball and try to create some warmth. Its so fucking freezing in here.
"Katerina... please wake up.."
I groan in protest and unwillingly sit up, glaring at Clovis, his expression apologetic. Standing outside, he leans in, motioning for me to leave the limo.
"We're here."
I shuffle on my heels and stick my head out of the car, looking at the faded red bricks and red flashing lights outside.

Where the am I?

I step outside, surveying my surroundings while clutching onto Clovis's arm for support. I now notice the loud thumping of music coming from inside the building.

A strip club. They took me to a bloody strip club.

I frown and look at Clovis questioningly.

He sighs, "Derek's birthday was last week, but we were a little preoccupied. So we decided since we were in town, we would celebrate tonight."

I huff out in annoyance. This is not how I would like to be spending my Monday night. I follow the seven into the club, still clinging to Clovis like a lost child.

As we enter the large double doors, my ears are assaulted by a sultry techno song blasting from the largest speakers I have ever seen. The place is a giant cluster Like literally, I think there's an orgy going on in the back!
There are drunkards everywhere, passed out on the bar, shuffling by the strippers, just, everywhere. The bar is in the very back of the place on a large platform with tables around it. And the inadequate designer made the mediocre decision to make the color palette of reds and greens. Those are like the worst fucking colors to put together EVER. I feel like throwing up its so bad.
The stripper poles are packed tight with men so sexualy frustrated that I can see their hormones floating around in the air. And the bouncer to my right has muscles so big, he has to be using steroids.
I feel like everything here is fake and exaggerated.
I hate it even more so now than I did before I was our of the car.
I pull my arm away from Clovis and visibly deflate. This is going to be so unamusing. I stride in, my skin almost immediately being covered in a later of sweat with how scorching it is in here.
Ichiro asks the bouncer as to where the private seating is and soon we are walking towards a dark curtained entranced to the left of the massive bar. Because I mean honestly, did you really think that I would sit with the middle class?
The private lounges are much better visibly. The walls are a deep plum, and the carpeting is a charcoal black. Although it doesn't match the main room, it's a big improvement when the two are compared.
All around the room, tents are placed strategically around the room so the no matter where you sat, you could always see the the small platform in the middle of the room. They look like medieval war tents, except in the middle is a large, circular table. The table is made of peeling linoleum that is supposed to be imitating marble. Around the table is a continuous latex-like bench, totally restaurant style. 

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