Ignoring them

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A sudden pain shoot in Vanessa's back making her to softly groan and turn around but still didn't feel comfortable in he position. She rubbed her face like a kitten annoyingly and again turned to the other side but her pain and sore legs were making it unable for her to sleep. Getting tired of trying to sleep to slowly unlatched her eye lids and rubbed her eyes with her fists to clear her vision.

She saw she was still sitting on the floor same as the time, the brothers left her. She looked at the window and saw it was morning which means she slept whole night in the same position and that's the reason she is feeling pain in her back. She saw the empty bed and her eye brows creased in confusion why the brothers are not on the bed.

Then she trailed her gaze to her front and she was stunned to see the brothers' big bodies laying on the floor near her feet. They didn't have any duvet or mattress to cover themselves, they were simply laying in their casual clothes.

'Isn't the floor cold?' Vanessa thought in her mind.

She didn't know why they are laying near her feet instead of the bed. They have a very soft and comfortable bed to sleep then why they chose to sleep on the cold and hard floor? She slowly crawled and peeked at their faces wanting to see if they are really sleeping or acting to hurt her even more but when she saw they were really sleeping.

The eyes which use to be always blank were closed and the faces contain blankness and coldness were oddly calm. Vanessa silently keep staring at them, admiring their features because the brothers were undoubtedly handsome. She saw some strands of Emiliano's hair were coming on his forehead disturbing his sleep. She slowly extended her hand to move the strand away but then she remembered what did he say to her last night.

Immediately her face turned sad and gloomy, she took her hand back. Standing up she walked away from there leaving the brothers still laying on the floor. She was hurt, by the things they did and said to her yesterday. She didn't do any wrong to them then why did they hurt her. She stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom to brush her teeth, then her gaze trailed to the torn T-shirt revealing her skin.

She didn't like the way they behaved with her yesterday and she decided to not to talk to them ever. If they don't like her then she will not talk to them. She just wanted to be a good and supportive wife to them as per her responsibility but if they will behave like this then she don't want to be their wife anymore and she will clearly tell this to them that if they don't like her then they should un-wife her. But little did she knew, that there is nothing like 'un-wife'.

She brushed her teeth and then discarded the T-shirt in the laundry basket. Getting inside the shower she turned on the faucet and stood under it. 'They are very bad, I will tell them to un-wife me, I don't want to live with them, they don't need a wife but a toy because they like to push and pull, once I will have money I will buy barbie dolls for them so they can do whatever they want to do with her, either push or pull, they can even change her dress too instead of tearing it, but will they look good playing with a Barbie at such age? Why do I care? They hurt me.' she was angrily thinking about them while rubbing herself by a loofah.

On the other hand, hearing the water running brothers' deep slumber broke and they sat up on the floor. Their vision cleared and first thing the remembered was their little wife. They turned around to see her but she was not there. They understood that she has woken up and now in the bathroom. They stood up and stood beside the bathroom door waiting for her to come out.

They didn't know why they were doing this? If they are this much guilty then why at the first place they did that? They couldn't able the erase the memory of her tears falling down and how she suddenly went blank after Emiliano's last statement. Emiliano also realized what he said just to trigger Mikhail, he hurt her emotions. He didn't mean in any way he just let it out so Mikhail will think that theya are hurting her emotionally and physically.

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