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Harry's pov

Today was Anastasia's birthday. I got her a cake with mustaches and stripes on it.(pic on the side)

All the lads came over to surprise Anastasia with me. I put on 5sos for music, and One Direction. She also put on some Lana Del Ray. ( I fucking love her)

Everyone was dancing and having a good time, when a scream rang out. (Yall r gonna hate meh fur this)


That's all I thought.


I ran to see what happened. There she was, on the ground, unconscious. "FUCK!"

Someone was getting out the back door. "HEY!" I ran and caught the back of their shirt.

"Guess who?" I could hear the smirk in his voice. "You" I said coldly.

It was her dad. "What the fuck were you doing here, assbutt?" (Supernatural prefrence 😏😏)

"To say goodbye to the birthday girl, of course." "YOU LITTLE BITCH!" I punched him straight up in the nose.

'CRACK!' I broke it, cool. "THATS WHAT YOU GET, FUCKER!" I didn't let go of him.

The police got there and cuffed him. "Fucker." I muttered. "Dude, are you ok?" "Yeah, but that little assbutt prick cock-sucking son-of-a-bitch ain't."

Niall snickered. "Nice names, mate." I shrugged. "He hurt my Anastasia, so that's what he gets."


We arrived at the hospital. they put her in a room. "Hi, how may I help you?" The nurse said. "I'm looking for Anastasia Carr's room?" She tapped at the computer keys.

"Room three-thirty seven." I nodded. me and the lads got in the elevator and went to the third floor. "Here!" I yelled.

We all went in. "Hi, are you the gaurdian of Anastasia?" "I'm her boyfriend, her mom is dead and her dads in jail."

"Ok, she has two broken ribs and a fractured wrist." I clenched my jaw.


I've never seen Harry so over protective of someone.

Not even his sister. she means a lot to him.


I couldn't move. Wait, my arm! I can move! I opened my eyes. "guys!" I screamed. I instantly regret it. "FUCK" i cried. "why does it hurt?" Harry looked pained.

"That cock-sucking assbutt prick son-of-a-bitch of your dad did this." he strained.

"Nice names, babe." he smirked. "I know, but he hurt you. What did he do?"

"He, uh, h-he cuffed me and, r-raped me, and then kicked me."

"HE DID WHAT?" He yelled. "please stop yelling, it hurts my head." I whimpered.

His eyes widened and he came to me muttering 'sorry' over and over.

"It's ok, harry." he looked at me with pleading eyes. "sure?" I sighed. "yes, babe."

He smiled. "we gotta go, ok?" "Yeah, see you tomorrow." and they left.


Hi guys! SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!! But here's a new chap 😋😋

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