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She had always been confident that she had lived a life without regrets.

It had been two years since she became the sole daughter of the Ackellard family and the wife of Dietrich Haberfeld, the Margrave. She gasped for breath, looking up.

The canopy that should have remained still fluttered, tormenting her inwardly. Unable to bear the turmoil, Grace clenched her eyes shut.

Grace's family, the Ackellards, were originally foreigners, not citizens of the empire.

Living in harmony with the forest and treating the earth as their mother, they were among the continent's leading spirit mages. They roamed from place to place, enjoying a nomadic lifestyle.

They never settled in one place nor committed to any land. The Ackellards had always lived solely as Ackellards.

There was just one time the Ackellards broke their unwritten rule and helped someone else.

That was this land, the Carbonnel Empire.

At the time, Carbonnel was a mess, both internally and externally. The soil had become barren after long wars, and endless strife plagued its people.

To anyone, it was evident that Carbonnel was on the brink of collapse. Despite the resistance, it was insufficient. They didn't have the power to turn the tide.

But the Ackellards were different.

When even friendly nations had abandoned Carbonnel, the Ackellards willingly extended their hand.

Numerically inferior, their power was nonetheless unparalleled. The assistance of the Ackellards was as good as that of a powerful nation.

Their overwhelming spirit magic was more than enough to compensate for the lacking brute strength. With the Ackellards' support, Carbonnel began to thrive.

On the day Carbonnel emerged victorious, the Emperor of Carbonnel decided to honor them with titles within the empire.

Founding contributors. Exceptional spirit mages. Conditions that were perfect for enjoying eternal happiness, but the life of the Ackellards was not entirely smooth.

Was it because they had lived freely? Or because the citizens of the empire feared their power? Perhaps it was both.

Despite having the highest authority within Carbonnel, they gradually became isolated.

Silver hair with a hint of blue and mysterious eyes were the characteristics and the stigma of the Ackellards.

It was as if, no matter what, they could never become citizens of the empire. Their distinctive appearance made their isolation even more profound.

There were not a few who sought to win over the Ackellards. Constantly, there were those who came, asking them to leave the ostracizing Carbonnel and come to their country.

Yet, the Ackellards did not leave Carbonnel.

What they saw in the declining Carbonnel was unknown. Some said there must be something in the land of Carbonnel, while others speculated that there might be something else they received from them.

Despite rampant rumors, the Ackellards remained silent. Time passed without anyone uncovering the truth.

When the name of the founding contributor had faded, a crisis that pushed the Ackellard family to the edge erupted.

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