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This was no time to be lost in thought. Denisia shook her head vigorously and approached the guard standing by the drawbridge.

“I’ve come to see Margrave Haberfeld.”

“…There are no scheduled visits today. Did you arrange a separate appointment?”


The guard’s expression changed in a moment. His face turned dismissive as he waved his hand.

“The lord is not someone who has leisure time to meet with others. Please leave.”

“Um, Margrave Haberfeld might not think so.”

Even in the biting wind, Denisia’s eyes sparkled.

“I’ve come to talk to him about Margravine Grace.”


The guard’s face hardened significantly. He seemed conflicted, then slightly bowed.

“I don’t know where you’re from, but if you don’t wish to throw away your young life, you should leave now.”

His tone was firm yet polite. Clearly, he had made an effort to be courteous.

He probably thought some naive countryside lady was lured here by rumors. It didn’t matter either way.

“You need not worry about that. This is a path I’ve carefully chosen for myself.”

“Do you not understand? Choosing to do this may cost your life.”

“Yes, I understand. I’ve come all the way here while believing in my choice.”


The knight sighed deeply and then raised his hand. It was a signal to lower the drawbridge. Bang! As the bridge fully descended, the guard stepped aside to let her pass.

“I hope to see you as I leave.”

Denisia nodded politely, swallowing the words she couldn’t say about knowing her husband better than anyone.

The gates opened, and she entered slowly, absorbed in the scenery at every turn.

Passing through another door, a familiar hall unfolded before her. Nostalgia welled up at the sight of the familiar setting. Denisia habitually looked around.

‘My child… is not in sight.’

Five years.

The thought of her child who would now be five years old and walking around made her heart ache. It was unlikely that a child busy learning this and that would often come out to the hall, but she couldn’t help but look.

Denisia, hoping perhaps to catch a trace of her child, shook her head.

‘If things go well, I’ll see him. I can’t seem suspicious now.’

She had to be careful with every action, so as not to appear merely as a naive lady.

“I will lead you to the drawing room.”

A butler she hadn’t seen before appeared before her. The butler who had been with Grace during her lifetime was nowhere to be seen, perhaps busy with other tasks.

“Please wait here for a moment.”

Sitting in the warm drawing room, sipping steaming tea, she felt her body relax. Her fingers on the teacup felt numb.

‘…I-I’m nervous.’

Denisia clenched her cloak. Her heart, which had started racing the moment she entered the castle, refused to calm down. She was so excited that heat coursed through her body.

She’s meeting her husband again after five years.

And that was just the surface time. To her, who had blinked her eyes open, it felt as though not even half a year had passed.

I’ll be back soon.”

Suddenly, Dietrich’s words before leaving came to mind.

“As always, it’ll be nothing serious, and I’ll return as if nothing happened.”

Soft leather enveloped her hand. It was a cold winter with snow gently falling, so his clothes had no gaps. Snow clung to his thick, tan coat.

“So, just wait a little.”

“What should wait?”

“The child.”

Only then did she realize his gaze was directed at her belly. He kept frowning, seemingly dissatisfied with something.

“Aren’t you soon to give birth?”


Grace unconsciously stroked her belly. Though there was still some time left, it wouldn’t be strange for the baby to be born at any moment.

“I’ve strictly instructed those around you. To take the utmost care and ensure you face no discomfort. To ensure nothing is lacking.”

The Haberfeld family had a history of having only few children. Before this, Dietrich had no interest in starting a family.

That’s why Grace could enter into a contractual marriage with him. Regardless of the child’s gender, it was certain they would be raised as an heir. It made sense why Dietrich took it so seriously.

“I should be able to return before the delivery. But just in case, I’ve instructed everyone to prepare for any eventuality.”

He worried too much. Interrupting his endless concerns, Grace clasped his hand.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be waiting.”


Only then did he stop talking. Not a smile, but for a moment, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly before settling back.

“Take care.”

Despite his words of returning soon, the changing seasons prevented his return.

Even until the day she gave birth and closed her eyes forever.

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