Part 3

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Anyways, you may understand where these are going. I'm going to write the list of ships down below.

Ships: (Edited)

Mercury x Venus

Earth x Mars

Jupiter x Saturn

Tell me if you don't like the ships. If you don't like them, just tell me in the comments. And maybe, just maybe, I might change it. But I can no longer change the Mercury x Venus one.

(Chapter 3)

Sun: "Well... Isn't it time we go to college? Jupiter?"

Jupiter: "Pretty much. Okay. Me, Saturn, and the Sun will all talk about this. You guys can just do your own things."

*The Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn go to a corner to talk about collage.*

Earth: "So... What do we do now?"

Neptune: "Let's chat!"

Uranus: "Uhm..."

Neptune: "Uranus, what does a kiss mean?"

Uranus: "Y- you don't know what that is? Do you even know what love is?"

Venus: "I bet he doesn't-"

Neptune: "Nope."

Venus: "Told you."

Mercury: "Huh... How'd you know that right away?"

Venus: "It's just.... it's Neptune."

Uranus: "A kiss is a soft touch on the lips with others. But, you can also press your lips against other parts of their bodies. An example is a kiss on the cheek. But when people hear the word kiss, it's mostly lips to lips on each other."

Neptune: "Oh, okay."

Moon: "Hm... Is it safe to tell that to Neptune?"

Mars: "Probably. Why?"

Mercury: "It's not like he'll kiss anyone."

*They laugh.*

Uranus: "What the bloody hell, mate. I heard something..."

Earth: "I hear it too..."

*They look outside the window.*

Moon: "People are gathering?"

Uranus: "Must be some sort of event..."

Jupiter: "Guys, we've made a decision..!"

Uranus: "We're going to collage?"

Sun: "This collage." *He shows them his phone.*

*If you forgot, they had gadgets while showing the video sponsor in the real channel.*

Mercury: "Oh..."

Venus: "Do you know where the collage is?"

Sun: "Well... We downloaded google maps."

Saturn: "Who's ready?"

Earth: "Alright!"

Neptune: "I'm so excited!"

Uranus: "Alright, mate!"

*They go outside to try and find the school.*

Man: "Hey!"

Saturn: "Who are you?"

Man: "I'm selling this car for 10k..!"

Venus: "What?"

Man: "You know what? Forget it, just take it!" *He throws them the keys.*

Moon: *He catches it.* "Uhm... Why would he just give us his car?"

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