1: Welcome to the Underground (How Was the Fall?)

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All you do is stare up at the small, small circle of light above you. Your breathing is slow and steady, and one of your hands is on your stomach right underneath your titties. The other is resting down on the ground, softly feeling the large, yellow flower petals beneath you that had broken your fall. You honestly don't know how long you've been lying there. You can't bring yourself to get up either. You feel... so peaceful.

It's a little chilly here, but not so much that it makes you want to bundle up, but cool enough that it's pleasant. Honestly, you're tempted to close your eyes and take a nap right where you are. The only reason that you don't is because this is not a normal situation you have found yourself in. That, and the throbbing pain of your right leg that is slowly bleeding out onto the gold flowers (though it was not lethal that you had to be seriously concerned).

Well, actually. This is not the weirdest thing you've experienced before. There was this one time you got stabbed as a prank when you were seventeen, but you tried not to think about it too hard. Mainly because you also stabbed that punk back but that was six years ago! No use in dwelling in what once was.


Somehow falling into a dark Chasm at the top of the mountain? That somehow beats that time you fought God (your parole officer) in the Denny's parking lot. Is this your attempt to repress the seriousness of this situation with humor?


Because you don't fucking know what the hell happened that ended you up in this situation.


You fix your dress and scrunch up your nose at your reflection, trying and failing to pose in the comfort of your bedroom inside your apartment. It's not... typically something you would wear regularly. Still, your friend, Elliot, had gifted it to you for your birthday not too long ago, so you might as well use it now. He's a friend you made in your second year of University, and you two have been pretty close since.

If you were honest with yourself, you would've NEVER thought you could make it to where you are now. You're currently in your last year at Northern Arizona University, and applying to get accepted into a graduate school. You're almost done with the last year to get your bachelor's degree in Biology, and the last semester is just around the corner. You went to community college at eighteen for two years but afterward took a year off before attending University for the next two years.

It's a little unorthodox, but it's much cheaper and better pacing for yourself. After all, you know that getting your doctorate's is going to kick your fucking ass. You're not in a rush for that crap, so no, you have no issue with taking your time. Doing all this just to be a surgeon is a lot of work! If your dad had taught you anything, it is to take a break when things start to get too much. There's no use in stressing yourself out too much to the point of self-destruction, after all.

Anyway, you met Elliot when taking an elective and were sitting next to each other in class. He was a little shy at first, but when he realized you were just as mentally ill as he was, you two got along great. As you two kept hanging out, naturally you'd adopt certain habits from each other.

For example: his fashion taste.

The dress he picked out for you is more "cozy, mid-autumn weather" core than your usual "I am surviving off of cocaine and ecstasy but I'm trying to look good" core, you know? It's not bad, by all means. You're sporting a light and dark brown striped dress that hangs a bit close to your figure with the skirt stopping mid-thigh. The sleeves were very short and only covered your shoulders and the neckline was low and round, so you wore a white, button-up shirt underneath it. You would've gone full white woman's Instagram and put on some panty-hoes as well, but Arizona weather is the fucking worst. You knew that it would get hot later even though it was nearing the end of December (in the year 201X), so you ditched the panty-hose and slipped on black ankle boots.

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