💛 Headcanons part 1

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Drew has BPD and OCD.

Jake was suicidal in middle school, but stopped when becoming friends with the jomies. Sadly, it came back when he was kicked out of the music club.

Henry has Autism and dyslexia.

Daisy has two mums.

Henry lives with his grandparent from his dad's side, they are both really nice and sweet. We're talking 'come home to fresh warm cookies after school' kind of sweet.

Henry's biological mum was homophobic and transphobic (bitch).

Henry is transgender.

Jake loves k-pop.

Henry used to have an eating disorder, but the jomies helped him get through it and now he usually eats at least 3 meals a day.

One of Henrys biggest fears are his friends splitting up, so that was why the drake up was so hard for him as his two best friends were fighting.

Henry hates being shouted at.

Both Luke's parents do not accept LGBTQIA+ and that's why he's always at Zander and Hailey's house.

Henry and Liam have been dating since the end of freshman year. It's not a secret but not many people know because they don't like/do PDA.

Henry is left handed.

Drew's AirPods he has in all the time are actually hearing aids.

Drew speaks Spanish, French, German, Filipino, Japanese, Korean and more.

Henry always has a rabbit stuffed animal from his childhood in his bag where ever he goes but only Liam really knows about this. Henry is scared Drew will judge him about it.

Jake's necklace is from his dad before he left to go get the milk.

Drew knows how to crochet and likes giving people plushies he makes as gifts, he trued to gift zoey some but she said they were weird and refused.

Drews love language is gift giving.

Both of Henriam's love languages are touch.

Henry and Drew dyed their hair together in middle school because they were bored but both love it so they kept it.

The reason Henry supposedly likes 'Lia' is because he was gonna say he likes Liam in middle school but stopped himself midway and went on with the bit even after they started dating BUT LIAM KNOWS ITS A JOKE!


Do with these as you please and all headcanons can be used! If you like any if these please give a request to make a one shot on it.

PS: even if its been 2 years, do not feel weird to give a request as I'll still probably be online.

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