💛 Headcanons part 2

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Sean didn't believe the audio because he was mature enough, but didn't want to upset or fight with the club - Sean then asked daisy to help jake out

Jake has ADHD

Liam loves to bake and Henry likes to join

Oreo is a emotional support/psychiatrical help dog

Drew is Filipino

Henry is half Korean

Lia is british

Liam cannot keep his thoughts to himself. He'll just look at henry and blurt out "pretty" without realising he said it out loud

Liam tends to "overreact" a lot (he had to take days off of school after the drake up cuz it was too much) but Henry is always there to help.

Sean wears reading glasses

Sean's mother is abusive (mainly verbal but physical sometimes) and his dad is sweet just always too caught up in work or fighting his wife to notice anything

Drew's parents are neglectful and get him gifts and money to make up for it

Liam was adopted

Lia's dad was a teen dad and her mum left after giving birth

When Lia was eight her dad married a very nice lady and now she has 2 step-siblings

Elliot is also trans

Senior year Henry comes out to whole school and him + Elliot bond :3

Henry = cinnamonroll

Henry used to be bullied

Henry and jake are trauma buddies 🤝 (also a reason it hurt for henry so much when jake left)


Again, you can use these headcanons but if you write about them tag me plz (I wanna see :D)

Also im taking requests for oneshots using these!!!

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