1. Late night walk

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I woke up. Great.

I rolled over and checked my phone, it was 1:42AM. I put my headphones back in and listen to music. What could I do to pass the time? I couldn't sleep, I couldn't leave my room. I'm quite loud, I would wake everyone up. I could sneak out and go on a walk. Yeah, I'll do that.

I pick out an easy and simple, but still comfortable, outfit and throw it on. It was a random t-shirt, my Brighton jacket and some random black pants. I put on a star necklace and quickly brush my hair. I put on some running shoes and I got a small bag and put my phone, headphone case, vape, and wallet in there before i open the window and hop out.

The cold night air hit my face, I liked it honestly. The adrenaline rush as my body adjusted to the temperature was thrilling. I didn't know where I was going, my body was on autopilot.

I ended up in the local park. I just sat on a swing, listening to music. I didn't care. I just wished I had brought a sketchbook or something. A wave of overwhelming thoughts hit me.

I wanted to cry. I don't know why, i just- I couldn't- everything got louder- i- i-


I don't remember what happened. One second I was panicking and the next I took a hit of my vape. Fuck I'm really getting addicted, aren't i? I don't care. I want to ruin my body.

Then, a thought.

Cutting myself.

I have never done it. Some people describe it as an off switch... but what if someone sees it.. I could just wear long sleeves. Yeah! I could just experiment with a couple lines and then if I couldn't stand it, I would stop! Simple!...Right..?

I heard movement and then saw a girl. She was so pretty, perfect even. But I can't get too attached, I don't know her. I just needed to remind myself that I wanted a man. I'm straight... i think..


I got home at around 3AM. I went straight to bed. I just- I wouldn't say passed out but... for lack of a better word... I passed out right when I got back. At least I slept? Mom would yell at me for anything i did tonight other than sleep but.. oh well, womp womp.


It was now like.. 9AM? I had just woken up, thank god it's a weekend. I yawned as I brushed my hair and went to brush my teeth. I didn't want to seem like a slob. I was tired. Too tired. I grabbed my bag from last night and put my good running shoes on this time. I left the house, not caring what mom or dad would think. I walked to the mall this time where I saw the same girl. I could actually see her properly this time. She had pale skin, freckles and red hair... or was it brown?- no, she's ginger.. i think

Fuck she's pretty.

I went to a random store, which was a clothing store. The clothes was cute, i just bought some random hoodies i found cute and left. I walked around for a bit, it was loud, really loud... but I didn't want to go home yet. I went to that park again.

I got there and that girl was there... again. This was getting weird but.., at least she's pretty? I don't know, this is so weird- i just... sat on the swing. I was listening to music, wasn't that bad. She looked familiar.., i probably go to school with her or something, doesn't matter.

I don't know if i should talk to her or not. She could be a horrible person, for all i know. I mean, i am the idiot in the corner, taking up space, so... i'm a magnet for people like that. I need therapy or something... oh well.

I check my phone to see how long it's been and it's.. ALMOST 6PM?? How. What.

I quickly started to walk home as my mind wandered off with random thoughts such as:

Why do people call me autistic?

Why are people saying i have ADHD? I literally don't.

I need a new hobby

What am i doing with my life?

Am i wasting it?

Do i over exaggerate?

All the was until i got home.

Words: 747


twf mentioned

i love twf


Words (after a/n): 759

I just need a quiet place where i can scream how i love you.Where stories live. Discover now