chapter 1

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Fourth has ever been in love with one person and one person only, Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak. It was a silly thing really to be in love with him. Gemini was his best friend since he was 16, and he had been his work partner since he was 17, working on Moonlight Chicken and My School President together.

At first, he thought it was just a silly crush, but the more he was in Gemini's vicinity, the harder and deeper in love he felt. Gemini was so smart, funny, and absolutely beautiful. His smile rivalled the sun, and the sparkle in his eyes rivalled that of stars. So how could Fourth be anything but stupidly and madly in love with him? How can he not be so in love with him that it was mortifying?

Gemini made it so easy to love him. He was sweet, attentive, and always made Fourth smile. He also took care of Fourth in his own weird way. It was in the little things he would do, the smiles he would give Fourth and the way he would look at Fourth like there wasn't anyone in this world but him.

So Fourth began flirting with Gemini. It was a bold move on his part, but he mostly did it in front of fans so he could always cast it off as fan service. Fourth loved seeing the fond exasperation in Gemini's eyes, and the uplift of his lips when he would smile everytime Fourth 'jokingly' declare him as his boyfriend and he delighted in the way Gemini would roll his eyes with the tip of his ears going all pink whenever he would try to kiss him.

Their dynamic became one of push and pull. Fourth became bolder and would flirt with Gemini all the time, whether cameras were there or not. He would flirt with him in front of their friends. He would flirt with him when they were alone together or even when they were texting. Gemini would always respond the same with his ears going an adorable shade of pink, the look of fond exasperation and rolling his eyes.

Gemini was the centre of his universe, his gravitational force, as he was always drawn to him wherever they were. In every conversation he had, in whatever he did, Gemini was there. Everyone who knew Fourth knew he loved Gemini, well, everyone except Gemini. For someone so smart, Gemini could be so dumb sometimes. Or maybe he was just oblivious to Fourth's affections?

Or at least he remained oblivious until they had kissed in the hallway of the hotel in one of their Japan trips. They were both slightly intoxicated, and Fourth leaned in to kiss Gemini, expecting the latter to push him away like he always did, except this time Gemini didn't push him away. Gemini didn't turn away from him and call him ridiculous only to laugh the situation off.

No! Nope!

Gemini leaned in, and before Fourth could process what was happening, he was being pushed against the hotel wall in the hallway and kissed within an inch of his life. It left him giddy and breathless. They had separated shortly afterwards to their respective hotel rooms, and Fourth had really thought things had changed between them only for Gemini to act like nothing happened between them the next day.

Fourth was heartbroken, but he couldn't really fault Gemini. They were intoxicated, after all. It was probably a drunken mistake, and things really didn't need to change. Fourth was fine with nursing his unrequited love for his best friend as long as Gemini was still part of his life.

Except that things did change.

It was in the way Gemini's eyes would seek Fourth wherever they were, how his gaze would flick towards Fourth's lips whenever the latter was speaking and the lingering touches. Gemini became clingy, well, more clingy than usual. What gave Fourth hope was that all these changes were private, away from cameras and other people's eyes. It was a side that Gemini only gave to him, and he basked in it.

When they kissed for the second time, they were both sober-minded, and it was beautiful. Gemini's lips were warm, plush and soft. His hand on Fourth's jaw burned in the most delicious way possible. It was after one of their schedules, a Kazz magazine photoshoot and Fourth, had offered to drive Gemini home since the latter used Grab to get to the studio. The best part was Fourth wasn't even teasing Gemini. He had just dropped Gemini off at his apartment when the older leaned in and kissed Fourth breathless before he murmured a small thank you and quickly exited the car, leaving a confused and throughly kissed Fourth behind.

And just like the first time they had kissed, Gemini acted like nothing happened between them. However, a few weeks later, Gemini kissed Fourth again. It was in the bathroom at a work event they attended when Gemini asked Fourth to accompany him to the bathroom only to push him against the door once it was closed and kissed him senseless.

And yet again, Gemini would act like it didn't happen or more like he didn't talk about it. Fourth was fine with it. They didn't need to talk about it because he had noticed things had changed between them. They were at a point in their relationship where they weren't lovers, but they weren't just friends either. They were something more, something he couldn't really explain even if he wanted to.

Fourth became hopeful once again once they started sleeping over at each other's places, on the same bed under the same covers with their libs intertwined! It was ridiculously domestic how they would wake up in the same bed. Well, Fourth would wake up first because Gemini wasn't really a morning person. Fourth would wake up, prepare breakfast, and they would have breakfast together. Thereafter, they would work in harmony, preparing for the day ahead. And every time they would separate, they would share a kiss on the lips here or a kiss on the cheek there.

So again. How could Fourth be anything but in love with Gemini?

What Fourth liked was that their relationship was theirs alone, something they could keep to themselves since a big part of their lives was already shared with everyone. Fourth didn't tell anyone about the advancement of their relationship, not Mark, Satang, or even Phuwin. He still teased Gemini in front of their friends, and Gemini still responded the same, with a look of fond exasperation, a roll of his eyes and adorably pink ears.

They never talked about their relationship, not really, but Fourth didn't mind because he was happy. He was glowing with happiness. Everyone and their grandparents probably noticed how happy he was, and whenever his friends would ask him why he is glowing with happiness inside out, he would just shrug and say nothing.

Fourth was happy...

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