chapter 16

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When Gemini wakes up, he feels a warm body pressed against him, and the smell of something sweet and floral attacks his olfactory senses. That's when he realises that Fourth is drapped against him with his laying on his chest.

Last night wasn't a dream, after all. Him and Fourth had made love, wild and passionate. This wasn't one of his vivid dreams where he would end up waking alone and disappointed. This was real, and the weight of Fourth on top of him was reassuring. Unless he had actually lost his mind, and this a psychotic hallucination.

Gemini wraps his arms tightly around Fourth and gives the top of his head a kiss. If he has indeed lost his mind, he doesn't want it back. Fourth makes an unintelligible noise and squirms a bit in his arms.

"Did I wake you?" Gemini asks softly, his morning deeper than usual.

"Mmh." Fourth says, squirming, moving closer and burying his face into Gemini's chest like he wants to burrow himself into Gemini's body. Gemini would happily allow him to. If he could fuse himself with Fourth, he would have happily done it a long time ago.

"I am sorry. Sleep some more." Gemini says softly, though his voice hoarse and husky due to the lack of use overnight. He gives Fourth a kiss on the forehead. He smiles to himself as Fourth lets out a satisfied sigh.

"Mn... work." Fourth says in his sleep idled state. He is so adorable that Gemini had to give him another kiss on the forehead as he adjusts his hold on Fourth.

"I know... we have to mentor the trainees today. Get some more sleep and I will wake you up when breakfast is ready okay." Gemini says, he can feel his lips stretch into a small smile as he runs his hand through Fourth's hair.

"Mn... thank you." Fourth says almost purring in satisfaction. His eyes closed and looking like the kitten he was.

Gemini manages to detangle himself albeit reluctantly from Fourth in order to make Fourth breakfast. He gives the younger one last kiss on the forehead, and puts on some pants.

Fortunately for him Fourth's fridge is well stocked so he can make him a decent meal. Gemini had learned how to cook throughout the years. He was in a celebrity reality cooking show once and he somehow fell in love with cooking and baking too. It was a way for him to meditate and sane when he was stressed out. He decides on an easy yet healthy meal, somehow he kind of knows that Fourth is still a health freak.

While setting up the table he hears the front door open and a woman's voice asking- more like screaming for Fourth to wake up. He recognizes that voice to be Fourth's manager, Hana.

"Sawadee krub phi." Gemini says with a wai. The situation should be awkward, well judging by Hana's stunned face it probably is.

Not that he blames her. There he was setting up the table with only pants on and an apron on on his upper bare torso. From his memories of what occurred last night he knows that his body is littered with bruises, Fourth was somewhat a biter, he knows he scratched him too. It turns out Fourth has become passionate in the throes of passion, not that he was complaining. He liked it a lot. Today the stylist and make up artist are going to hate him with all the covering up they have to do.

"Oh... morning." Hana says, still stunned but quickly recovers. Gemini has to admire her for that. He surprisingly doesn't have it in him to feel even slightly embarrassed.

"Fotfot is still sleeping, I was going to wake him up so he could have breakfast. You can join us if you want. I made more than enough." Gemini says pointing at the table where a variety of savory and warm dishes were laid out.

"Uh... okay. I will just go and wake him up then." Hana says as she turns away but stops as if realizing something. "Actually you do it. I will make us some coffee." She says heading in the direction of the kitchen.

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