chapter 11

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Gemini was excited to attend Fourth's concert. It had been a while since he had seen Fourth perform live. He, of course, has binge-watched a lot of Fourth's fancams to know how much he had improved. He, of course, knew that Fourth had always been talented, the way he used to move his body, and the sound of his voice has always been exceptional.

When Fourth answered his phone last night, Gemini almost lost his god damn mind. He might be a little delusional, but he even thinks that Fourth might have flirted with him a little bit. He should probably call his therapist and talk this out with her. However, now was not the time as he needed to get Fourth a congratulatory gift. He couldn't even ask  any of his friends because Fourth was a name that was avoided being spoken about in his presence. Nor could he ask his mother because she had been worried about him obsessing over Fourth.

"Gem... honey, I don't think it's healthy for you to be so invested in a person's life. It's kind of like you are obsessed." His mother had said, which was probably true because his therapist had said that much.

So Gemini knew that in order to get Fourth back in his life, he was on his own. So what if he was a little too invested in the other man? None of them could understand what Gemini went through when he lost Fourth. When Fourth left, it felt like he had taken a part of his soul with him. It was the equivalent feeling of losing a limb. A part of him had left with Fourth.

He had tried to explain as much to his therapist only to receive a look of concern in return. Gemini never spoke of it again. He had pretended to be over it, that he had moved on from Fourth. They all believed him, of course. He wasn't Asian actor of the year twice in a row for nothing. He utilised his acting skills to convince everyone.

Gemini knew that he had to keep his composure, that he needed to reel in any negative emotions that might jeopardise whatever relationship that was budding with Fourth again. He knew that he was being overbearing sometimes, unnecessarily jealous, and a tad bit possessive, but he couldn’t help it. His feelings for Fourth had always been intense, too intense, according to his therapist and mother.

He knows about Fourth's idol friends. He knows about Yechan. How could he not when the guy was the stuff of his nightmares and the bane of his existence. When Gemini first saw the BL series that Yechan starred alongside Fourth, he felt like he might possibly lose his mind, and maybe he did a little, but nobody needs to know that. All he could see was red and not in the exaggerated kind of way. He literally saw red and nothing else. He thought he might have gotten blind in the process.

Anyways, he has done countless breathing exercises, meditated and centred himself enough to be secure with himself that even when he sees Fourth with Yechan or any of his idol friends, he won't lose his mind. Gemini will act like the perfect gentleman tonight, and that is why he needs to get the perfect congratulatory gift.

He wants something meaningful and sentimental but also something reserved. He can't do something crazy like buy Fourth the moon, can he? The moon could be a perfect gift for Fourth, whose ethereal beauty could rival it. Nope! He is not going to buy Fourth the freaking moon as a congratulatory gift. It will probably require a lot of time and tons of paperwork. Although if Fourth asked for it, he would do it in a heartbeat.

Right now, he needs to get him something less extravagant and crazy. Maybe flowers? No. Everyone will probably get him flowers, and his would probably not stand out. Then again, Fourth does love flowers. He will get him blue hydrangeas as a way of an apology and expressing his regret. He doubts that anyone would even think of getting those. Those and Fourth's favourite colour has always been blue.

With a gift decided he needed to get an outfit together because he not only needs to look presentable but hot as well. Not too hot, though, as to not upstage Fourth, although Fourth is too beautiful and Gemini doesn't think he could upstage Fourth even though he tried. He ended up wearing black jeans, with a simple white T-shirt and a black leather jacket. He put on a silver chain, a few rings to adorn his fingers and his Cartier watch to finish the look. He styled his hair in a half ponytail updo since he didn't get the chance to cut his hair yet.

The whole show was spectacular, and that was not Gemini being biased. Thousands of people in attendance were proof enough of how wonderfully spectacular the show was. Fourth looked amazing in the various outfits, and his body moved smoothly with the fluidity of water in the river. Gemini had to remind himself multiple times to breathe lest he ended up fainting for the lack of oxygen to the brain. Fourth was going to be the death of him one day.

He also ended up drinking a lot of vinegar when he saw Fourth invite his idol friends on stage with him. Especially when Yechan looked at Fourth with stars in his eyes, grinning at him like Fourth was the greatest thing he had ever seen, which admittedly he probably was because Fourth is amazing. He doesn't mind Yuzuka that much even though he, too, looked at Fourth fondly. Gemini had to recite the Buddha's teachings to reign in his jealousy.

When he finally met Fourth, he was surrounded by a few people, his idol friends being among them. He suddenly felt self-conscious. He felt like he wasn't even worthy being in Fourth's presence, and his heart ached at the thought.

"Gem!" Milli called out to him with a huge grin on her face.

Gemini took a deep breath to steel himself before walking towards their direction. Fourth looked at him with a small smile, and he could see Yechan's face harden as he put his arm protectively around Fourth's shoulders.

"Saweede krub." Gemini greets with a nod before turning to Fourth to give him the bouquet of the blue hydrangeas his assistant dropped off a few minutes ago.

"Congratulations. It was wonderful." Gemini manages to say he isn't sure if he is breathing at this point. He is so fucking nervous like he wasn't Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak, award winning actor, artist and the thai ambassador of Channel.

"Thank you." Fourth says as his smile widens, it looks genuine and breathtaking. Gemini suddenly feels light headed with that smile directed to him.

Fourth introduces him to his idol friends, they are all pretty nice especially Yuzuka but Gemini still doesn't like Yechan. Something about the guy rubs him the wrong way, or perhaps it's just jealousy. Fourth does seem to adore Yechan and Gemini is self-aware of his feelings to realise when he was jealous thanks to years of therapy.

"Will you be coming to the after party?" Jeff asks him. He was about to agree but when he looks over at Fourth he finds him resting his body on Yechan with the latter's arm around Fourth's shoulders.  Gemini doesn't think he would be able to take another minute of this sight with his sanity still intact.

"I would love to but I have a schedule tomorrow so I need to go home and rest. It was great seeing you guys though." Gemini says with a polite smile that took almost all of his strength to muster.

"Oh! You are leaving?" Milli asks with an adorable pout that makes Gemini relax a bit.

"Unfortunately. Enjoy yourselves though." Gemini says and with that he says his goodbyes receiving an enthusiastic hug from Milli which tells him that she might not be sober.

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