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Severus' shoulder against hers while her father was cutting the cake, his breath in her ear as Draco watched from a distance, his hand gripping her arm as Ana turned to see her sister gone.

"What are you doing?" She tried to pry his fingers away but tripped over her own feet. Severus' hand was the only thing keeping her from hitting the ground as he pulled her up and around the corner of the house.

Severus' grip was strong, almost leaving bruises on her skin. The crease between his brows was deeper than usual, he was determined, perhaps.. stressed?

"Where are we going?" She asked, looking back to the patio where all the guests were still gathered.

"It is time for you to learn legilimency."

Ophelia frowned, trying to pull back while her heart was holding on. Because if she went with him then maybe, just maybe, he would kiss her again. But she could hear Peter's voice in her head telling her she was being selfish.

"Can't it wait? It's Ana's birthday and I want to be there," she said, trying to loosen his grip but he only held on tighter. He did not care at all about what she had to say.

"It has to be.. tonight."

"School doesn't start for another month, it does not have to be tonight," she retorted.

"For once," Severus breathed, "would you just shut up and trust me?"

Ophelia blinked, "but.."

He stopped to stare at her, "what?"

"I wanted cake."

Severus rolled his eyes and pulled her behind the side of the house, one hand around her waist and the other gripping his wand. Ophelia realized she wasn't winning the argument this time. They apparated to the forest again.

"Sit," Severus said.

Ophelia sighed and sat down with her legs crossed, "yeah, yeah."

The forest was dark, but the warmth from the day was still lingering in the air. Severus sat down opposite her, their knees brushing against each other. Ophelia straightened her back and looked at him expectantly, a small smile making itself visible in her features. It always started in her eyes, even before the corners of her mouth moved upwards.

"Couldn't wait to get me alone, huh?" Her smile was in the lilt of her voice.

Severus thought he could spend a lifetime finding new ways to see her smile, he wanted to know them all by heart, to see them every time he closed his eyes. But that was not the reality of his situation. He knew the risks of letting anyone get too close, but he couldn't deny the pull he felt towards her, the way her presence softened the harsh edges of his world.

"Time and space matter in magic," he said and distanced his knees from hers. "You can learn legilimency like any other spell with enough practice," he pulled out a deck of cards from his robes, "now try to read my mind and see my card." He picked a card from the deck, careful not to let her see.

"You're acting strange today, Severus," she said, "well.. more strange than usual."

He glared at her, "I am leaving a very small window open in my mind.. don't make me regret this."

"Fine." Ophelia stared at him, pulling her lips into a thin line and her wand at the ready, "legilimency."

Nothing happened, Severus didn't even feel a push.

"Uhm, eight of Clubs?"

"You're not trying." Severus turned the card around; King of Spades.

"I am!"

autumn | severus snapeWhere stories live. Discover now