Chapter 2: Hope?

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Izuku's POV

It has been a few weeks since the whole rumor incident. It was almost summer break. And I wanted to leave U.A as soon as possible. I even wanted to withdraw from this school and leave without a trace. These last few weeks were unbearable. They all brought memories of my bad past.

Ever since my ex-friends spread those rumors they have been everybody's favorites. Most of my class also forgets I even exist when I'm with them. So it's nothing new. But when we started training again, I had more intense training which I didn't mind, but what made it unbearable was the comments everyone would make.

"Serves him right"

"Why is he still even here"

"Worthless Deku"

"I hope he never returns one day"

"Mineta's even better than him"

"No way he's actually a cinnamon roll"

"Shouldn't he be in jail"

And there was much more. Such as Bakugous words when we were in middle school.

"Go take a sawn dive off the roof of a building and pray for a quirk in your next life."

Those words stayed in my mind for the past couple months. I was about to take his advice, but that's when I got the phone call from dad that mom died in a car crash. I knew she wouldn't want me to do this, even if she was alive. But now that she's dead, I just felt an emptiness. The thought was always in the back of my mind. Maybe the school would be happier if I did take a swan dive off the roof of the school building. Maybe...

I was lying down on my bed in my dorm. Mr. Aizawa has prohibited me to be out of my dorm only for food and water. But I never did that too. I did go for water. But that's it. I lost my appetite since the day that those rumors were spread. I finished homework, so I just stared at my ceiling deep in thought. Which was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Shinsou: Midoriya, you there?

Me: Yeah. But why are you here? You know I can't go out of my dorm unless it's to the kitchen right?

Shinsou: Yeah, but me and a few other got permission to come into your dorm to talk to you.

Me: Sure go ahead the door's unlocked.

Just then Shinsou, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Shoji, Ojiro, and Kouda came into my room. They also closed the door which I thought was kind of them.

Me: What did you guys want to talk about?

Kaminari: We just wanted to check if you were okay. You only ever come out of your room to get a glass of water.

Me: I'm fine.

Ojiro: You sure because, we've also noticed you just stay in Class when lunch happens.

Shoji: Have you been eating the past few weeks?

Me: Why do you even care? It's not like you're going to care about what I say.

They honestly were all shocked. They've never seen this side of Midoriya before. But they could also understand that it could've been because of what has been happening over the course of the past few weeks.

Midoriya was just kind of used as a training toy. U.A didn't even care that he was getting beaten up outside of class as they used him as a target during training. He was lacking in education of controlling his quirk and basic studies too.  Any regular class after heroics training class, he would have a hard time focusing as he couldn't wrap or clean any wounds until he got to his dorm. Midoriya just lost hope and faith within U.A and his classmates and accepted that this would be how he spends the rest of his time at U.A.

Kami: Midobro, we never believed the rumors.

Kouda: Yeah! We know you would never do anything like that.

Ojiro: We would need tons proof besides words and some bandages!

Tokoyami: Plus, you even helped Todoroki over come his fear of using his left side, so it wouldn't make sense for you to do that to him.

Shoji: Even though we may not have known you for a long time, but maybe we could help you.

Me: Maybe. If you can.

Shinsou: We're going to be keeping a close eye on you. So just know that you won't be able to hide anything.

Me: Yeah, yeah.

The group of 6 left my dorm. I just sat there, still questioning if they were speaking the truth or not. If they were speaking the truth, why didn't they help back me up when the rumors first got out?

Kaminari's POV

We walked out of Midoriya's dorm. Me, Shinsou, Tokoyami, Ojiro, Shoji, and Kouda were concerned about him. Just as I closed the door, what was known as the Dekusquad appeared right in front of us. 

Uraraka: What were you guys doing in there?

Tokoyami: We were just talking to Midoriya.

Uraraka: Yeah, right.

Todoroki: Honestly, why were you guys talking to him?

We just looked at each other hoping we had an answer that wouldn't give us away. We had nothing. I kept looking at Shinsou because I could see he didn't want to be here right now.

Iida: You know ignoring your fellow classmates and friends is very un-hero like.

I should've guessed Iida was going to say something like that. Especially with his robotic chopping arms.

Me: Well 1. What's very un-hero like is spreading fake news around the school, 2. We never you considered as our friends since that day. Let's go.

I grabbed Shinsou's hand and we went to my dorm. I'm pretty sure we left them in shock but I couldn't tell since I never looked back at them. I was just trying to get out of there, because where ever they were, the Bakusquad and the others were close by. We did not want to get caught in that mess.



This chapter was probably not as good, but I was writing this in the middle of the night so yeah.

Have a good day/night

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