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Although the Flops ultimately won the war and annexed the Daboyz Empire, millions of lives in the war were taken and the Badussy War won’t be forgotten. A few thousand people were also lost in the following war that took place shortly after. After the Great Badussy War, a treaty was to be signed declaring peaceful relations for the next few decades, however this treaty wasn't ratified by Emperor Andrew Tate but they agreed to keep violence to a minimum (this was obviously false because the Second Badussy War took place just weeks later).

Their current ruler, King Andrew Tate IV has resorted to violence many times against peaceful troops at the borders.

Ever since, adequate education on the dangers of war have been promoted in schools and Flop kids are being taught to not resort to violence in almost any situation.

Badussyland, formerly known as the Baddusian Empire, was left absolutely demolished by the mass destruction that took place in both consecutive wars. Only a few thousand people remain there and they only inhabit that island due to a sense of belonging, as in they grew up there and would miss it dearly if they left, or due to illness caused by the war. Daboyz Pox still remains rampant in some parts and many soldiers still suffer from the pox and intense PTSD.

The waters have been polluted by the earlier-mentioned bodily fluids and other such chemicals and the air still has remnants of mustard gas. The land is still spiked with barbed wire and the inhabitants are plagued, literally, by the pox, fevers, infections and trauma left behind. Petitions and organizations to revive the island have come into effect (Save Badussyland Organization).

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