Surprise party -Wonbin

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Shotaro's p.o.v
"I already picked up the cake and finished decorating the house what time will you guys be back?" Y/n asked over the phone "we should be home around 8:30" I told her "okay, everything ahoukd be ready by then" she said and hung up. "Who was that?" Wonbin asked me "oh, um it was taeyoung he was asking what time we'll be finished" I said and he nodded not asking anymore questions.

Wonbin p.o.v
I was sitting down in the practice room against the mirrior when I got a notification on my phone from y/n "happy birthday love, I'll see you later" the message read I smiled reading the message before texting her back "thank you, I can't wait to see you." "Okay,back to work" our cherograper said. We were practicing for around 3 hours until we were done it was already five and I was ready to go home and see y/n but it seemed the members had other plans, so I decided to give y/n an update so she wouldn't worry about me. "Hello?" She said picking up and she sounded tired "did I wake you?" I asked her "no, I was just about to take a nap before you called" she said "well I'll let you get to sleep, I was just calling to tell you that the members are taking me shopping and some other places" I told her and heard what sounded like something falling in the background "that's, okay what time do you think you'll be back?" She asked me "what time do you think we'll be done?" I asked sungchan "around eight" he said "sungchan said we should be done around eight" I told her "I'll see you then, love you"  "love you too, bye" I said and hung up.

Y/n p.o.v
Hopefully he didn't hear the pot fall I thought to myself as I picked up the pot cleaning it off so I can use it. I had just enough time to finish the rest of the food I needed for dinner. After I finished making the food I decided to watch a movie, while I waited to get a text from sohee when they were close to the house. I eventually ended up falling asleep.

Wonbin p.o.v
We were at the mall doing some shopping and the members each brought me a gift to celebrate my birthday. We finished shopping and we're just walking around the mall "so where do you wanna go next?" Anton asked me "we could get some food, I'm kind of hungry" I said and thwy nodded we went to the food court and settled on Chinese food. We finished eating and left the mall and they decided to go to the park for a little so we could take some pictures. *Timeskip* we finished taking pictures and we're headed back but sungchan,Anton and eunseok left before us leaving me with shotaro and sohee. It was about an hour drive from where we were to y/n's house so we would make it there by 8:30.

Y/n p.o.v
I woke up from my nap by the sound of my phone ringing I looked at the caller ID it was wonbin "hello? I said yawning "did you have a good nap?" He asked me "yeah, I'm glad you woke me up actually" I said and he sighed "yeah, I'll be there at 8:30 were running a little late" he said I was glad because tht meant the surprise will work but I couldn't let him know that "well that's not a long wait I'm gonna shower and find something for us to watch on TV" I told him "okay, I'll see you soon" "bye" I said and hung up.  I went to take a shower and changed into my pj's since I didn't plan on going anywhere tonight. *Timeskip* Eunseok,Anton, and sungchan were the first to arrived "where's wonbin and everyone else?" I asked them "we went in separate cars" eunseok said and I shook my head when sohee texted me "were five minutes away" I read "okay there almost here everyone in place I said and everyone. Went to hide while I turned the lights off.

Wonbin p.o.v
We were outside y/n's house and everyone got out the car following me when I opened the door the lights were on before I could turn them on y/n jumped out along with eunseok,Anton,and sungchan "surprise!" Everyone yelled "so this is why you kept running me around all day?" I asked the members who all agreed "happy birthday,babe" y/n said giving me a kiss "did you plan this?" I asked her and she nodded "and I had some help from the members of course" she said pointing at them "thank you" I said looking at y/n and everyone else "well i hope your hungry, i made dinner" she said setting plates down on the table for us "I have room" sungchan said sitting down at the table along with everyone else. We ate dinner and y/n brought out the cake "happy birthday to you"X2 everyone sang "blow the candles out" y/n said and I blew the candles out. We all ate cake together before the members left "well see you later" sohee said as they exited the house. "Finally I get to spend some time with you" I said hugging y/n "did you like the surprise?" She asked me "yeah I liked it, but next time let's just do something alone" I said and she smiled "go take a shower and we can watch the movie I found" she said and I nodded going to take a shower.

Y/n p.o.v
I waited for wombin to get out the shower and when he did he sat next to me pulling me in his lap. "What did you find?" He asked "do you want to watch horror or comedy?" I asked him since I found two interesting movies "how about comedy" he said and I nodded (you watched murder mystery) we watched the movie together and both eventually started to drift off "let's go to bed" I said "okay,let's go" wonbin said geeting up along with me and dragging us to my bed. Once we got in bed he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer "goodnight babe, I love you" he said giving me a kiss on the forehead "goodnight binnie,love you too" I said and we fell asleep in eachothers arms.

A/n:Happy wonbin day

A/n:Happy wonbin day

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