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Hold me Down ~ daniel ceasar

 conners_cooler♬ Hold me Down ~ daniel ceasar

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liked by  iScarly, thebetternoon, and 1789 others  conners_cooler solone your coffee was really good

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liked by iScarly, thebetternoon, and 1789 others
conners_cooler solone your coffee was really good

thebetternoon photo cred for the first pic?!?!?!
conners_cooler oh yeah thanks xoxhitl
thebetternoon bruh

wannas_world i want more shoes
iScarly wanna you have enough

baby_deadpool that's my sisters name
connors_cooler that's crazy
thebetternoon play fort with me
baby_deadpool go on twitch at 8
thebetternoon 👌

iScarly @salamievans no way 😭
salamievans STOP HOW THE

ms.gomez_adams @salamievans you stole brady's brothers drink 😭
salamievans we all make mistakes 🙄

salamievans i'm so sorry i will buy you a new drink
connors_cooler you don't need to i want to know what you order it was so good 😭
salamievans look at ur dms 😭

salamievans dm you

sent at 6:28 pm
i'm so so so so so
so so so so so sorry
i'll buy you a new drink or i'll venmo you
read at 7:56

sent at 7:56 pm
i promise your okay
i should be paying for
you to get a new drink
read at 7:57

sent at 7:58
no it was my fault
okay are you sure?
read at 7:58

sent at 8:15
its okay aslong as you
let me take you out to
you a get a new drink tomorrow

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