Chapter 1

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I stand up, freezing my ass off. Mother doesn't care how cold the water is, she only wants me to be "clean and presentable." She won't let me bathe myself and if I move at all in the tub, I get punished.

"Get out."

I quickly move out of the tub. Mother wraps a towel around me and gives me a look indicating me to dry myself off before I get the floor wet. After I dry myself off, she takes out the scale from the closet. She rips my towel off and points to the scale. I slowly step on it, silently hoping that I lost at least ten pounds this week.

"Ninety-two pounds, no supper tonight."

Shit. I only lost six pounds. I knew I shouldn't of ate Hannah's salad on Wednesday. But she insisted, and I hadn't eaten since the previous Sunday. All of that salad dressing definitely bit me in the ass. Hannah is my best friend. My only friend, actually. She weighs a solid 75 pounds and is exactly five feet tall. She's perfect in my mother's eyes, so she is more than happy to allow me to be friends with her. I guess I can't complain.

Mother left the room after a few disappointed glances in my direction, and I let out the breath I had been holding in. I threw on my jeans and T-shirt that was two sizes too big and headed downstairs. My mother scoffed at me and my outfit of choosing once she saw me. She threw my bag of crackers and bottle of water on the counter. Two saltine crackers, one for breakfast, and one for lunch. I snatched them off the counter and headed for the door, and right as I opened it, mother yelled from the kitchen, "Don't forget Layla, your food is better coming out than going in!" Gee, thanks. She deserves the "Mother of the Year Award" considering she starves her kid. 

"Beep Beeeep"  I jumped at Hannah's silver Volkswagen's car horn. I walked to the car, relieved I didn't have to wait so long with my mom giving me looks of disaproval from the window. I slid into the car and waved to Hannah before putting on my seat belt.

"You look like you've lost weight." Hannah observed.

"Tell it to the wicked bitch of the west." I said as we drive off for the hell hole called school. 

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