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It was now Monday. Elizabeth was at her first course taking her notes. Yesterday, she heard nothing from Taylor. She texted her but no response and she decided to quit trying to speak with her, now being mad. She wasn't exactly mad at Taylor. But mad at the people who 'destroyed' what they succeeded to have. The brunette was really happy with Taylor.

Unfortunately some of her colleagues found out about the photos, most them whispering when she showed up like back then in high schools. She already hated the week even if it was only Monday and almost 1pm. When the course ended she massaged her hand that was hurting from writing fast.

One of her qualities was that she could write fast wich she needed in med school. She took her things and walked out if the class, of course alone. Luckily for her she the next two hours free wich she decided that she will go at the library and prepare for her next class wich is was History of Medicine. She wasn't a big fan of it but still learnt it.

She got in, founded a empty table and sat there taking out her MacBook, notes and books. Also, she put her headphones on, while searching through her playlists trying to find something to listen to. Elizabeth didn't felt like listening to Taylor so she tried to find something else wich she couldn't find. A song came at her recommendation and she recognised immediately. It was the song that Taylor told her about.

Didn't take any time and pressed on it. It felt like it hit different now. She couldn't listen to it like she used to do last week, smiling like a fool when she remembered her conversation with the blonde. Good for her, she didn't cry at what happened Saturday. She felt like it wasn't something to cry about, but still she felt her heart broken a little.

Just a 'little' from what she admitted to herself. The song was done, another one from the same band played. She didn't recognise it but let it play. 'Tonight, we're summoned for a divine cause Remembrance, no, but for their future loss This chapel or ritual smells of death'

She wasn't lying to herself, she enjoyed the lyrics but still cringed at them just a little. Elizabeth looked around her seeing not many people there.

While trying to study but not with a big success, her phone buzzed looking immediately at it hoping that it was Taylor. She was right. It was a notification from her.


good morning how are u?
Tay i saw that you saw the message
are you still sad about it?
why aren't you responding?????
okay then

I am fine. How are you?
I am sorry that I didn't responded but i really couldn't Liz. Believe me. I don't know what to do.
Still I dont want to lose you. I know that might sound cringe but I say what i feel.
We really need to talk about it and decide what we should do.

what do you mean 'what we should do'?
Taylor I like you. i really do. you make me happy.
you need to decide if you accept that you are into girls to the world. its your career in it too.

I know.
When are you free?

well in like 30 mins i have a class, at 3 i finish it and have the last class wich i get out at 5:30. and then i am free but still not bcs i have to do my hm. and learn for tmr😬
but ifc ill make time for us to talk. ill call you when i finish my classes.

Yes please.



Sadly Elizabeth didn't got a response at the heart and she felt sad again but still happy that the singer 'came back'. When she looked at the time, she took her things and rushed to her class.

I Know Places (Taylor Swift)Where stories live. Discover now