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The months had passed. 2016 came, in August Charlie and John got engaged and for them everything was perfect. John loved the surprise and cried the whole proposal. In July, Charlie finally decided what ring to choose for the big moment. The engagement was just like they had dreamt.

After the memorable moment, the two girls celebrated their one year anniversary. The Christmas that year they had spent it with Taylor's family and the New Year's they threw a party where they invited their friends.

Taylor's tour ended, but her reputation started to go down. Kanye West started to talk about her behind her back and sadly people believing him. The hate came from all parts and started to affect the singer very much, even affecting her relationship with Elizabeth.

Since when the year started the arguments started too. The singer distanced herself from her most loved person.

"You always stay in the room and do nothing. We don't kiss anymore, we don't have sex. We don't do nothing! You don't do nothing anymore Taylor!" Elizabeths yelling was heard in the house, the blonde woman sitting on the couch looking at her without an emotion on her face.

"I can't do anything Liz! I thought he changed." Taylor yelled back at her girlfriend who had her cheeks red from anger.

"I have told! I have fucking told you Tay! 'I don't think it's a good idea Tay' 'Oh Liz he FUCKING changed!' Well guess what! HE DIDN'T and now you are suffering because if him!" The blonde knew that her girlfriend was right.

"Just please let's stop arguing." Taylor's voice starting to break. "And what pretend like nothing happened? No thanks. I've got tiered of getting up in the morning you not talking, not a 'good morning kiss' going to school, you not texting me, coming home, you in the bed doing nothing and not even talking to me, going to bed, you still doing nothing or talking to me. I don't want to continue like that!"

"What... What are you saying?" The blonde asked as she felt her heart breaking. "I am saying that we should take a break Taylor. " The brunette responded and the room remained silent.

Taylor only looked at her trying to look strong, but she wanted to cry herself out.

"I am doing to Chars tonight." With that, the brunette got her things and left the house, the door closing behind her being the only sound that was heard that evening.

Taylor was still looking at the door tearing coming down her face. That night the two girls didn't closed an eye. Elizabeth cried the moment she walked through door in, her eyes watered all night, the boys being next to her not saying a word, but standing with her.

Days had passed and the rumours that they had broken up already crossed the internet. The brunette tried to avoid the looks from her school and only focus again on her studies.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk to her again?" John asked her as the three of them sat down on Charles' couch watching the TV.

"Yes John! I can't keep seeing her like this. I had told her that was going to happen." She responded back, the subject getting more annoying every time someone asked her about her relationship.

He looked at her understanding that she didn't liked to talk about it and finally locked the the conversation letting it in the past.

Elizabeth was hurt by her own actions, but she thought that it was the best for them both to take a break from the two of them. First Taylor, she felt her heart breaking in million pieces as she knew that she needed her girlfriend, but couldn't get her anymore.

The brunette girl was the only one that with the time learned how to calm the blonde and making her ED to disappear. Taylor's health was good from what she felt, she finally accepted that she was enough and her body was perfect and started to eat again without feeling sick or guilty when she tasted food in her mouth.

Taylor stood on her couch in a ranted apartment in Cornelia Street wanting to start a new life but she couldn't.

Everyday her reputation became worse and worse, something that she didn't know was that it was only the start if it. Kanye West and Kim Kardashian had so many 'surprises' for her.

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