Chapter 3: Die, All Of You.

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Lydia Armageddon.

The Basel Decimation: Blight Laboratories,

The year 2167.

Through cloudy glass, she could hear the muffled screams of other children with the same cold metal hands dragging them to the next place they'd be tested and experimented on. However, Lydia found a more fitting word: mutilation.

"Why me." Lydia thought to herself.

Blinding flashing reflections of light off of the tip of needles.

"It could have been anyone else, why me?"

A cold, empty room encased by cloudy glass, all alone.


Two meals a day, only body suit for clothing, not even given shoes, a tattooed arm, and no right to choose anything.

Invasion of ice-cold tools, and machines in her body. Slicing into her flesh, extracting blood. Skin tissue. Bone marrow. She could perceive all of it. She felt all of it without the pain, just the violation and breaching of her body.

The feeling of that table on her back as the metal restraints clamped down on her arms and legs. Bright lights burned her eyes as the needles stabbed into her arm, the doctors lifted that mask over her face, forcing anesthesia into her body-


Lydia slammed her fist against the wall as hard as she could, rattling the glass.
She mumbled under her breath, her face cold. "Let me out of here."

A fury began to brew in her stomach at the thought of scalpels cutting into her flesh, the stitches over incisions in deadly, purposeful, cruel precision. Some of the doctors took pleasure in making her suffer. Wide, frantic eyes darting from corner to corner of this glass box, breathing heavily. Lydia clawed and grabbed at her dark blue, skin-tight body suit as if it were her skin. Latching on and itching at not just her, but the very fabric of thought. She analyzed her body suit and left arm. Yesterday, they tattooed something on her arm as she was strapped down to a table, piercing her skin with needle and ink no matter how she shouted and cussed. It read: Project: CONVERGENCE.

"I don't even know what my trait is and I'm locked in here."

Lydia heard a passing muffled scream from the other side of the wall. She knew that would be her eventually again. She saw two shadows standing on the other side of the cloudy glass, Lydia pushed herself to stand. She walked to the glass wall and knocked on it.

"Hey. Dickheads. How long am I gonna be here?" Lydia asked in a snarky tone. The two stayed silent.

"How many kids have you locked in here? How many come and go?" Lydia asked again- still silent.

"Are you keeping me here forever? Come on, tell me!"


She slammed her fist into the glass again.

"Calm down, Project: Convergence."

The door opened to the glass confines as two new shadows approached.

"Stupid doctor and his nurse again." Lydia thought to herself, shifting her face to a scornful one. She stepped back from the front of the door, the two shadows revealed themselves as they walked in the confines. The two men stood at 6 feet tall, towering over her.

His name tag read: Dr. Meyer, plastered on his navy blue coat, lined with dark yellow, just like every worker in this place. Dr. Meyer was someone who caved into cybernetics, replacing entire body parts and functions with metal for skin, wire for nerves, and electricity for blood.

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