Untitled Part 1

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It was the typical dark and stormy night. Morgan looked up their window with a poker face. Nothing was really surprising anymore. Everything has been done, everything has been seen, and everything has been felt. Morgan could look back to the past and the future because of their observatory skills. Morgan only wanted to feel accomplishment and something near complete.

Morgan randomly decided to look in the mirror. They looked closely at their facial features. Their androgyny really satisfied them. Their blue short hair that could belong to either gender, thick eyebrows that could belong to either gender. The body type that could also belong to any gender. Morgan was proud of their gender-neutral appearance.

They suddenly heard the motion-sensor outside the door ring. They quickly stood up but slowly walked towards it with a tight fist in precaution. The door was then swiftly opened by a touch of Morgan's hand. Suddenly a person popped up, unrecognizable at first. Until Morgan realized...

"Hello. This is the authorities of--" A man with an all black armor suit and a black hat to match said in a dark and deep voice, he was interrupted by the door that was quickly sealed shut by Morgan.

"Not if I can help it." Morgan whispered to themselves as they quickly ran towards the window. "Window open." they ordered as they were about to jump. A graceful upsurge was done through the two story building. They clicked on a watch and and pressed on the 'help' option. They were quickly teleported to a safe house facility. A feature all special watches had. These watches were given by a gang for people that needed protection. Morgan was quickly accepted to get watch a few days earlier, and was really grateful for its function of teleportation, or else they would've been taken away. A sharp pain was quickly felt and just as quickly went away. Morgan looked around and was in the safe house.

"Welcome to the safe house. You are in the facility in Moscow, Russia. Proceed to talk to others while you wait to be in a secure state" an automated system informed from Morgans watch. "And remember our motto, Stay safe," the watch said once again, soon after turning off.

Morgan was surrounded by people. One of their biggest fears. However if Morgan doesn't talk they will get kicked out, as it is a rule to socialize. So they looked for someone who looked their age, and tried to do some small talk. Until they saw a particular group of kids, the group seemed interesting. The kids began pointing at Morgan. Now they were really curious.

"Hello." Morgan said as they approached the three teenagers

"Um...Hi." One of them replied

This person appeared to be female. Morgan observed her, looking for a name tag somewhere in her body or bags. Something that would give them a clue. Morgan continued to browse her appearance, until they finally found something. It was on the females jumpsuit, 'Esfir' was written in the top half of the jumpsuit. She was wearing a blue jumpsuit that could've been used to land on the moon, she has long jet black hair that surrounded almost her entire body, and bright blue eyes that stood out from every other one of her features. It almost distracted from her short stature. Morgan noticed a bracelet that seemed to have the same functions as their watch, they wondered where Esfir could've gotten it. Esfir looked at Morgan suspiciously, her eyes tightened, almost squinting them. She rapidly looked away in discomfort. Morgan took the sign and instantaneously looked away also.

"We all have a question for you." Another one of them added "It might sound kind of personal." They warned

This one was male. Morgan used their observation skills and scanned through. The name tag was placed on a hat this time. It read 'Ermolar'. They quickly thought of how different that sounded from Esfir, and how odd it sounded to it. Morgan then began to survey Ermolar's appearance. Ermolar also had jet black hair in a small 'man ponytail', he had a bright neon shirt that said existence and long black pants that oddly matched. The boy had bright green eyes that stared daggers into Morgan's eyes, they however failed to distract from his tall height. They once again looked away before they made yet another person uncomfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2018 ⏰

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