three. hatred is a strong feeling

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MAISIE STOOD FURTHER away from everyone as she possibly could. She couldn't take her eyes away from Shane, he was wearing Otis's clothes. He was wearing the clothes of someone he murdered. Maisie didn't know if he actually killed Otis, but it was the most obvious thing ever. She didn't know how anyone else believed his shit story.

She certainly didn't, and she saw how Daryl and Dale's faces looked when Shane was telling the story, so she wasn't the only one, and that made her a bit more happier.

Maisie had tear stains on her cheeks, her nose was red, and her hair was pushed behind her ears. She was sitting on the couch, trying to think of something to do but there was nothing. Reaper has already been fed and now he's on the bed with Carl who still hasn't woken up, she did the chores Hershel asked her to do, she washed her clothes, she showered. She had nothing left to do.

Just as she was about to sit back, Maggie walked into the house. Maggie still had chores, but Maisie didn't like Maggie's chores. As kids, Maggie used to make Maisie do chores with her so they could continue playing with the horses and Maisie absolutely hated her chores. But she helped Maggie anyway.

"Hey, Mase," Maggie calls so Maisie looks up from her feet, "Daddy asked if you could check on Carl? He should be wakin' up soon."

"Mhm." Maisie nods, standing up and opening the door to the room Carl was in and walking inside.

She walked over to the unconscious kid, he looked peaceful. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed and his skin was paler than it was when Maisie first saw him. His head was tilted to the side from the position of the pillow and she could see his eyes moving around even though they were closed.

She softly grabbed the boy's warm arm and pressed her index and middle finger onto his pulse, it was beating normally. She softly put his arm back and quietly sat on the chair that Hershel dragged from the living room to here. The boy's breathing got louder, and then his eyes fluttered open. He looked around in confusion before his eyes met Maisie's.

"I'll go get your parents."

Carl nodded his head and swallowed, "Thank you."

"I'll get you some water, too," Maisie adds, noticing how dry his voice was due to the lack of water everyone had. Maisie admired how strong that kid was at a time like this, even him getting shot was tough. He reminded her of her brother. Not just because he got shot, but from what Maisie has seen, his personality.

Maisie stopped in her tracks and turned around, she decided to tell him what she thought about him, "You're a strong kid. Let's keep it that way, yeah?"

"Yeah." Carl's smile got bigger as he looked down at the blood-covered bandage that would need a change soon. She nodded at him then walked out of the room and walked into the kitchen.

Maisie grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, her body immediately became cold. The hot weather outside made Maisie uncomfortable, feeling the icy cold breeze hit her arm felt good. She closed the fridge, turned around, and bumped into someone. And just as Maisie was about to apologize, she met eyes with Shane.

He had a smirk on his face, he looked weird and bald. He didn't feel good to be around. He carried this negative aura that Maisie despised.

"Almost apologized, good thing I didn't." Maisie tried to push Shane out of the way, but he was stronger than her so he didn't budge. Maisie looked up at him and glared, he still had that same creepy smirk across his lips.

"Maisie Cooper." Shane finally speaks, his words made Maisie furrow her eyebrows. She hasn't told anyone here her last name, not like it was a secret, but no one knew but the Greene's. And her family didn't have a reason to tell Shane her last name.

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