𝟎𝟐. 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞 • 𝐦𝐣𝐟

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pov - maxwell and ana hate eachother. in their storyline, they've never gotten along. when suddenly saraya exposes them on her public social media, real life beef begins and lingers into their jobs.

tw! swearing, violence, mentions of blood & weapons, any mistakes i may make


*ana's pov*

i watch max in the middle of the ring, along with daniel garcia and anna jay. tony khan comes up behind me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"ready to go out? you have about 20 seconds" he asks politely

"yeah of course, always ready" i respond

right before i go out, i hear saraya's music play. unexpectedly, i turn my head back to the monitor and see her come out of the crowd with ruby soho, jeff jarrett and jay lethal. jeff and jay get in the ring, behind daniel and grab their mics from the ring announcer, justin roberts. saraya climbs into the ring, putting her arm around anna's shoulder along with ruby behind her. just as jeff goes to open his mouth and start his promo, my music plays. dasha hands me her mic and i make my way out to the ring, as the crowd yells my name.

"jeff, keep your goddamn mouth shut because we all know whatever comes out of your mouth is gonna be stupid as hell. next, justin shouldn't even have handed anna and saraya mics because everyone in this arena knows they aren't gonna get a word in."  i say as i climb into the ring.

"daniel, aren't you supposed to be with matt, ang and i? i thought you told me you weren't gonna go with anna after she teamed up with these two" i point to saraya and ruby.

"listen ana, i know you have problems with them and.. it's obvious why but now is not the time" max says with his grading voice

"shut up maxwell, give garcia the title shot and get out so i can beat these three" i scream at him

he rolls his eyes, swatting his hand towards daniel and i. "alright garcia, you got yourself a title shot but i don't wanna see you until the pay-per view, got it?" max says, making the crowd boo him.

"shut up you assholes!" he screams, being his normal self. he drops the mic and gives me the cue to go after the girls. i shrug my shoulders, dropping my mic and jumping on anna immediately as saraya and ruby run out of the ring.

*ana's pov; after the show*

i hear a knock at the bathroom door as i finish changing out of my gear. i peak out and see max, "what are you doing max?" i ask.

"what the fuck do you mean what am i doing here? you told me to come here and knock" he snaps

"snap out of mjf and be max, thank you very much" i say as i come out of the bathroom, holding my gear.

we turn the corner, heading back to the locker room and i lock eyes with vivianne. she smiles and mouths the words 'text me later' as she keeps walking. max mumbles under his breath, "weirdo"

i swing my hand back and hit his chest, "shut up, she's my bestfriend and she's not weird! we just have a special language that you'll never understand" i say, smiling. he rolls his eyes and waits outside the locker room as i grab my bag.

ruby soho leaves the locker room before me and runs straight into max as she leaves. i come out a couple minutes later and max has a weird look on his face as he scrolls on his phone. i hike my bag over my shoulder and pull my suitcase next to my side as we walk to the car. i can hear the fans cheering outside, waiting to meet us and all the fellow wrestlers as i walk closer to the exit door.

𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐞 → 𝐰𝐰𝐞 & 𝐚𝐞𝐰 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now