𝟎𝟑. 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 • 𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬

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pov: a year after ana and kenny met wrestling for NXT UK, they began dating. exactly a year later, they both got released from the company, causing kenny to leave to wrestle for ICW. ana follows behind him, and gets put into a storyline while keeping their relationship private.

tw! swearing, violence, mentions of blood & broken bones, any mistakes i might make


*kenny's pov*

standing in the hall with noam, i see ana walk out with her gear in her hand. only people at work knew about our relationship, so they were always glad to see her.

"hey babe" i say as she comes over, placing a kiss on my cheek. noam excused himself and walked away, leaving us alone together to talk.

"do you wrestle tonight?" she asks. i nod in response, "yeah, i'm wrestling with rampage, do you?"

she smiles with a nod, "wrestling aleah, i gotta go change right now"

"be safe, i'll be out there to watch" i give her a kiss, watching her walk away

*30 minutes later*

"introducing the champion, ana santos!"

the announcer calls out her name to the crowd as she walks down the ramp, looking as beautiful as ever. she climbs in the ring and does her intro, smiling as she sees me standing in the back, shaded from the fans. as she hugs the few little kids near the barricade, aleah comes out and does her entrance. ana climbs back in the ring right as they are about to ring the bell, she throws her jacket off to the side and the match starts.

aleah catches her off guard, hitting her immediately in the face. the crowd begins to boo aleah as ana picks herself up off the ring, immediately striking aleah back.

aleah stumbles around the ring as ana plays to the fans for a quick second. not long after, she hit aleah with a ddt and pins her but she kicks out at two. they both get up at the same time and lock up arms before ana slaps aleah across the face, stunning her for a quick second.

the fans can hear vic joseph screaming at commentary, "santos is dominating james in the ring, there is absolutely no way aleah james is gonna beat the champ tonight!"

ana runs the ropes, hitting aleah with an elbow drop and pinning her again. james kicks out, causing ana to punch the ring in anger. aleah gets up quickly as her adrenaline starts to rush through her body, picking ana up and chopping her multiple times. ana holds her chest as she stumbles back towards aleah.

james hits her with a knee strike knocking her to her knees, then hits her with a superkick. aleah pins ana, but she kicks out and gets up onto her feet. she chops aleah, knocking her down in pain.

"get up! you asked for this, get up!" ana yells at aleah, dragging her up by her hair. aleah goes to slap her but ana grabs her wrist, spitting mist in her face. as she screams, ana hits james with her most-popular finishing kick, mist of black. santos pins james for the full three count and gets her hand raised as she holds her ribs. the ref hands her the title and the crowd gets loud as she exits the ring, going back to medical immediately.

i start heading my way back to medical and i meet her in there, "hey my darling, are you alright?" i ask as she nods her head. the medical staff looks at us, "you have to be taped up, rest up for a couple weeks and you'll be all healed and ready for a match"

she looks up at me, "radzi's coming in here for an interview backstage, i'll meet you in the locker room" i nod and take that as a sign to go and grab a mic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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