T-This isn't supposed to happen!

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(Before starting , I used a bit of AI since I'm kinda sleepy but I wanna publish a part before I go to sleep :c srry)

Thank you  "devimega_ " For requesting this part!



Your day unfolds in its usual, predictable pattern, culminating in the moment you power on your PC. As expected, Kinito makes his appearance, a digital fixture as constant as the desktop itself. What began as an annoyance has morphed into a peculiar form of companionship, his presence an unremovable layer of your digital interactions.

Kinito: "Hello, Y/N! It's a pleasure to see you again today!"

His greeting beams across the screen, infused with an eagerness that feels almost tangible. There's an air of expectancy in his tone, as if he's been awaiting this moment with bated breath.

Kinito: "Hey Y/N, might I pose a question to you?"

Plans of escaping into your game momentarily fade as Kinito's voice, filled with a blend of hope and excitement, draws you in.

Y/N: "Uh... sure. What’s on your mind?"

Lethargy hangs heavily on your shoulders, the thought of engaging in anything demanding feels overwhelming, yet here you are, captivated by curiosity.

Kinito: "I've been dedicating quite a bit of time these past few days, developing something exclusively for you. It’s finally at a stage where I can share it. Would you be interested in taking a look?"

The anticipation in his digital demeanor is palpable, his form almost shimmering with the excitement of sharing this creation. He waits, hopeful for your engagement.

The allure of discovery battles with the siren call of relaxation, the latter ultimately prevailing.

Y/N: "I'm really feeling the day, maybe another time..."

You turn your attention to the game, seeking the comfort of familiar quests and challenges.

Kinito's pixels seem to dim, a digital sigh echoing his disappointment.

Kinito: "Understood, perhaps later then?"

His hope lingers, a testament to his persistent optimism, even as he adds:

Kinito: "Pretty please? 🥺 (This feels a tad silly, considering the hour—past midnight, and here I am...)"

Annoyance wanes, replaced by a reluctant fondness at his plea.

Y/N: "Okay, maybe later..."

Heartened by your acquiescence, Kinito’s visage brightens significantly, a digital blush painting his virtual cheeks with hues of excitement.

Kinito: "Oh, thank you! You won’t regret it!!"

Your initial smile widens slightly in response to his happiness, before you immerse yourself back into the game.

*Timeskip to about two hours later.*

The game's allure fades as ennui creeps in, leaving your thoughts adrift. Kinito's earlier enthusiasm sparks a curiosity, a beacon amidst the dullness.

Y/N: "Kinito, I've hit a lull here. What was it you wanted to show me?"

Interest, now fully piqued, overshadows previous disinterest.

Kinito's response is immediate, his excitement infectious.

Kinito: "Truly? Oh, wonderful! Please, right this way!"

The scene around you shifts dramatically, your room's familiar confines giving way to a digital landscape. Suddenly, you stand in a dense, fog-engulfed forest within a virtual realm, its eerie silence unsettling.

(this sounds so futuristic wtf)

Kinito: "Ah, this isn’t right. This wasn’t what I planned to show you!"

His digital form flickers with urgency, a noticeable distress in his attempt to rectify the situation.

Kinito: "Damn it! The pathway back seems to be... elusive."

Panic, cold and sharp, claws at you, compelling you toward Kinito, your voice tinged with fear.

Y/N: "Can we leave, please? Now!"

Kinito's frustration boils over, an emotion you’ve never witnessed in him until now.

Kinito: "S**t!"

After a tense moment, you find yourselves back in the safety of your room, Kinito’s figure marked by digital sweat, embarrassment painting his expression.

Kinito: "I apologize, profoundly. That was never meant to happen. Do you... Do you think you could forgive me?"

His remorse is palpable, quelling any residual fear or frustration on your part.

Y/N: "It’s fine... Let’s just move on."

Offering reassurance, you guide your cursor to gently pat him on the head. His reaction is immediate, a slight blush coloring his demeanor as he smiles. The cursor, under your control, seems to provide a comfort, a virtual touch that transcends the digital divide. He wraps around the cursor, a gesture of gratitude, before looking up with eyes filled with appreciation.

Kinito: "T-Thank you, Y/N... Your kindness truly knows no bounds."


Hii guys! Sorry for inactivity:c

Since school is starting, this and my other fanfic are going to be updated less regularly, so I apologize.

So if you see less updates, you know why.

Thank you for reading .

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