Kinito on alcohol

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(Before we start, sorry for inactivity:c, also this is a short story :3)

As the routine unfolds, you settle into your chair and power up your PC, only to be greeted by an unexpected sight: Kinito, clutching a bottle of alcohol.

"Hey there, buddy~" His speech slurred, indicating he's clearly intoxicated.

"Why are you drinking alcohol!?"

Perplexed, you question his choice of beverage. However, Kinito simply laughs it off, continuing his inebriated antics.

"I'm a flying sheep~" he exclaims, swaying and singing amidst sips from his drink.

Realizing you need to intervene, you turn to the internet for a solution. After some research, you discover a method to sober him up. With precision, you maneuver your mouse and grasp Kinito, who responds with childlike glee.

"Whoa, I'm flying!~" he giggles, unaware of your plan.

Using your cursor, you shake him vigorously, maneuvering him around the desktop until finally setting him back down.

"W-What happened?" Kinito stammers, confusion clouding his drunken haze.

With a smirk, you inform him of his intoxicated state, prompting a moment of realization.

"I was d-drunk...? Oh..."

Okay that's all bye :3

Okay that's all bye :3

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