Chapter 65.

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"Sorry?!" Shinjuro indignantly shouts, "That's all you can say? A measly sorry?!'


"You disgust me, Kamado. I can't believe my son ever saw anything in you. And you have the gall to call yourself a man, let alone a demon slayer at all?!" He screams, his voice cracking as it reaches the highest octave it can handle, "The people out there who died because of your mental weakness, the slayers who perished on missions meant for you, and most importantly, the people you love. After all the damage you've done, all you can say is a measly thank you?!" Kyameron gazes down at the hardwood flooring, unsure whether to sink deeper into shame or call on the fire he feels in his stomach. "Look at yourself. You say you care and have the drive, but you sit there like a baby!"

The coals of his soul feel the heat of Shinjuro's words, finally waking from their self-induced slumber. The fires of passion begin stirring within him as he grips his knees tight, staring a hole through the floorboards. "I do." He says firmly.

"Do you now?!" Shinjuro says, "Brilliant, so you're not a worthless piece of shit staining my son's legacy, then? Did you flip the switch or have you been faking it the entire time?" He asks sarcastically, stepping towards Kyameron threateningly.

"I wasn't faking-," Kyameron says through gritted teeth and closed eyes, tilting his head but keeping it down.

Shinjuro takes another step towards him, "So you're just as weak as you say you are then? If that's the case then maybe it WAS your fault my son was murdered!" He shouts, taking the final step forward so he's right on top of Kyameron, "Or maybe, you did it on purpose."

Kyameron's eyes shoot wide open, the fire within burning as bright as it ever has. With no hesitation, he flies to his feet and unsheathes his blade, stabbing it mere millimetres to the left of Shinjuro's face; close enough to shear some of the fiery hair from his head. Senjuro and Tanjiro gasp. "I DIDN'T DO IT ON PURPOSE, DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE SAY THAT!!!"

Shinjuro stays in quiet shock as Kyameron's face reveals itself from behind the long strands of his hair, "THAT MAN, YOUR SON, WAS EVERYTHING TO ME! I'D SOONER KILL MYSELF THAN DO THAT!" He screams, his eyes beginning to water. Whether it was from grief or sheer rage is up for interpretation.

Shinjuro, Senjuro and Tanjiro all stare at Kyameron as he breathes deep and heavy, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "I NEVER WANTED TO LET HIM DOWN! I NEVER WANTED TO FAIL AND DISAPPOINT HIM!" He shouts, his voice now cracking.

The tears refuse to be held back any longer, trickling down his cheek as the sword in his hands shakes and quivers with his arm. Shinjuro's expression has not changed since the blade was pulled on him, but it finally melts from shock to a sort of relief. "I knew you cared," he says, putting one of his rough and calloused hands on Kyameron's shoulder, "You needed to be reminded."

Kyameron's expression drops the anger and replaces it with shock of his own, "So-,"

"Kyameron," Shinjuro says, cutting him off, "What you have is special. I've never seen someone with such a proficiency for flame breathing at your age. Not even Kyojuro or myself wielded the strength you carry now," he says. Kyameron stares at him, slack-jawed, "My son... he wrote to me about you. Often weekly, like I said; even though I only got around to reading them after the master sent his message. Even after all my misguided years of beating him down, trying fruitlessly to break his spirit... I never could. He was strong on his own, but reading the way he spoke about you... I'd never seen him so happy. You were his pride and joy, no doubt."

It's now Kyameron, Senjuro and Tanjiro staring at Shinjuro, who continues to speak, "Your biggest problem is comparing yourself to my son, Kyojuro. He, like you say, was a man like no other; so why are you trying to replace him?" He asks, "Don't try to be my son; strive to be better than him. Carry his name forward, don't keep it in the same place."

Shinjuro turns away from him, reaching down into the messy piles of letters lying around the room. He grabs a specific one; one with a tab on the top. He turns back to Kyameron and gives it to him, prompting him to read aloud.

Kyameron sniffles to chase off his emotions, though his voice is evidently tainted by shame. "Father," it starts, "I hope this finds you well. My Tsuguko, Kyameron, has once again surged past my expectations. Not only is he the first since Lady Kanroji to finish my training, he survived final selection and will soon receive his blade and first mission. It's a feeling I'm unsure you've felt, but it feels incredible to see those under your flourish! Honestly..." Kyameron trails off, looking up at Shinjuro as his eyes become fountains. Shinjuro nods, getting a bit emotional himself. "It feels like watching my little brother achieve his dreams..."

Kyameron looks up at Shinjuro, "B-brother?"

"My son saw you as family, Kyameron. And based on what you've shown me today, I trust his judgement. If Kyojuro saw you as a brother, then I gladly welcome you into our family."

Kyameron stares dumb-struck at Shinjuro, wholly unsure of what to say. It's everything he's needed and secretly wanted to hear for many months now. Surprisingly the tears cease to flow, replaced by a look of unstoppable joy. He bows his head to Shinjuro, "Thank you, sir."

"It's mine and Kyojuro's pleasure, Kamado," he replies, smiling, "But promise me this. Go out and keep my son's spirit alive. Don't let his sacrifice be in vain." He says in a desperate tone.

Kyameron raises his head and puts his fist against his palm, "I promise from the very bottom of my soul."

Kyameron and Shinjuro bow to one another, and Kyameron heads for the door. "I'll be in touch," Shinjuro adds before he turns the corner.

Kyameron nods and turns the corner, almost walking straight into Tanjiro and Senjuro. "Hey, what're you two doing here?" He says, confused.

"We, uh-" Tanjiro sputters.

"We just got here!" Senjuro says, praying he deceives him.

He doesn't. One look at Tanjiro's face says otherwise. Regardless, Kyameron shrugs, "Alright, then. Tanjiro, let's get going."

"Right!" The younger Kamado says, saying a quick goodbye to Senjuro and following his older brother out of the house. The sunlight graces their skin once more as they head out into the streets, walking shoulder-to-head through the weaving town. As they walk, Tanjiro notices a significant pep in Kyameron's step; but more importantly, the smile on his face. A smile he thought lost to them. A smile he knows very well; Kyameron's smile. Not Rengoku's; his.

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