Author's Note - Plagiarism

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I want to apologize for the delay in updates. I needed a mental break from social media. I am feeling much better and will be updating SNM this month.

Please note that both of my stories have been stolen and are circulating on those PPC apps. I am ONLY publishing on WattPad at this time. I will let you know if this were to ever change. I pray the individuals involved will grow in character and do better. In the meantime, I'm working on having my stories removed from these aps/sites to the best of my ability!

I thank you for your patience. I am still trying to figure out my place and flow as a writer. I completely understand how frustrating it can be for a reader for a story not to be finished. Trust me. It has sat heavy on my mind these months, but I want to deliver a story I'm passionate about. With SNM, I lost track of my "why" and needed time to get back to my "why." I am in a more creative headspace again and will be working on SNM this month.

I pray for blessings in your lives!



Wife Forgotten, a novellaWhere stories live. Discover now