Future In-Laws

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||Izuku finishes ruffling his hair with a towel, humming some song as he peers into the mirror.

The scratches aren't going to leave permanent marks, thankfully. It would be the one flaw on his face that prevents him from looking exactly at his mom. Looking at pictures from her high school days, he couldn't find a difference. He even has a beauty mark like her- one that he's proud of. Scratches would ruin that.||

"Oh my, he looks like me" Midnight squeals.

"Please be quiet we all can read it" Aizawa deadpans.

||Only bad thing that comes with looking like his mom, and having her genetics, is that his vision isn't the best. Wearing contacts at home is an unnecessary pain that he refuses to deal with, so glasses it is. Whether or not he uses either ways, he's still got terrible vision, and it's a curse that can't be fixed. It's not that bad, anyway, just ANNOYING.||

"My vision isn't that bad" Midnight complained

"Nemuri, I tried your glasses once remember. I couldn't see a thing" Present Mic says

||Enough looking in the mirror though. He pulls the random t-shirt on, humming the same melody as he walks out of the bathroom and into the cold air of the rest of the apartment. He's pretty tired- if his mom was serious about inviting his two favorite heroes, the two that she's FRIENDS WITH, he hopes they arrive soon. Fighting for your life can wear you out, surprisingly.

Hands lightly tracing down the hallway walls, he walks through the decorated area while following the light of the living room. Today was bad, and the talk with his mom was even worse, but... he feels better. After getting it off his chest, he doesn't hurt as badly anymore. He knows his mom is trying her best, and as a hero with an image that she HAS to uphold, there's only so much she can do.

And she was just trying to protect him.

Yawning, he steps out of the hallway and starts to cross the wooden floor toward the kitchen...

Only to realize that his mother and the 2 heroes were on the couch, each staring at him with varying levels of shock before nervousness cracks his mother's pitiful mask.

"So, uh. I have a lot to explain, but..." Her voice is high, high because she's nervous, as Present Mic frantically looks between the two.

"I'm Izuku Kayama. Please don't be mad at my mom. She only kept me a secret to protect me." The words fly out before he can filter them properly, each one higher pitched and stressed than the last. Damp hair flops forward as he attempts a shaky bow, glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose.||

"I wonder how Sensei will react, Ribbit" Tsu said.

"Hopefully by not yelling" Shinso said tiredly.

||Present Mic looks between the two of them again, unbelieving gaze flying from the sheepish Nemuri to the trembling boy bowing beside her, to Aizawa.

"You broke him. Thanks a lot."||

"Hah, poor Sensei" Denki laughed.

"Denki it is not wise to laugh at our teachers" Iida said chopping his hands.

"Oh please loosen up Iida" Sero said.

"Yah, come on class prez just learn to not be so stiff" Mina whined.

"O-ok" Iida says trying to follow but still look dignified.

Izuku laughs and just pats Iida on the back saying "Iida we can work on your social skills later let's just continue with the reaction"

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