twenty four|season three

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▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ "Why do you feel that way, Y/N? If you dont mind explaining of course!"

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▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ "Why do you feel that way, Y/N? If you dont mind explaining of course!"

Family counseling.

Whoever told your mom and dad that family counseling was what the three of you needed, you wanted to have a special word with them.

Now that the UA annual festival was over and it was revealed Izuku encountered villains, it was only right they'd put you out onto patrol 10x more than before. Now, you did patrol before or  right after school almost everyday now,filling your schedule to the brim.

knowing this information, why  the fuck would Aizawa and L/N choose to have family counseling  of all things available?

Overall, you were pissed and annoyed

"My life is chaotic enough. Im 15 and already a pro hero that had made it in the top 20 in America and already becoming a name people know is Japan.  Sitting here and talking about our silly family dymanic is stupid because im going to lay it out how it is and go see my friends before work.

My mother  was abusive to me all my life, no matter how she tries to flip and say she wasn't.  My father seems to be under her little spell, quirk... whatever she has and now hes allowed her to be this way towards me. Since the dorms have been in place, i do not go home. My mother gave me a black eye and helped in the process me of me cracking my skull open and yet they expect me to come home or come see them in his dorm.

They, are not my parents unless they clean up this damn act. Especially my father. My mother is expect this from, but not my dad . Now of you excuse me, I'll be taking  my leave" you got up, smooth your school uniform skirt out and left, pulling your purse over your shoulder as you walked towards your car

They didnt deserve your time .

It had been weeks since the concert, and life for you had finally started looking perfect but it seemed like everything wanted to go wrong today.

"I better not get asked to come to agency early..."  you mumbled, climbing in your car .

If it was the devil against you today, you'd need a word with him too.

"What do you need?" you answered obviously annoyed.

"Hey, We need you downtown , like now! Theres been a breakout of a prison and a bunch of the thugs are downtown! Other ones are at the banks around, creating robberies! See you soon, bye!" the voice spoke quick, to the point you couldnt tell who it was, but you doubt it was Mirko.

Genie| K. Bakugo {REWRITING}Where stories live. Discover now