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Wahlberg Baigan : He is a special
cause and since you will be same
class as him keep an eye on him .

Y/n : meh ... mash ...that's a weird name ..

she was walking through a hallway to take her first class but she was already 30 minutes late cause she went to meet Wahlberg Baigan who want her to babysit some guy

Y/n : well.. it seems like a drag ...

and she open the door of her classroom with magic and entered and all the attention turns to her

Teacher : excuse me but you are --- wait !? Y/n Razor !!?

Y/n : ..  😛

Wisphers started amoug students

Student 1 : so it was true that even though she is the strongest she had to go to the top by same way as everyone...

student 2 : w-w-what that mean there is a c-chance we had to fight a-against her !??


Finn : " Just my luck... 🥲 " *ready to leave the world*

Y/n : bruh stop staring and tell me where i sit down 😛

Teacher : t-that's ... *looks around and saw second last seat free* t-there ...

Y/n : Hm... *goes and sit there*

and the day went on

and she doesnt know what happened
cause she slept through all it

she was woke up by someone shaking her

Y/n : wtf ... dude.. *yawns*

Mash : we have go to next class .

Y/n : " mushroom head.. ??" what's your name?

Mash : it's mash ..🫥

Y/n : ohh...? " it's him.. it was easy ... and he doesnt seems that much special? to me... "

Y/n stands up

Y/n : lets go ...

she said still half asleep ...

mash : 'kay ..

Follows while eaing creampuff ..

that day went away real fast ..

she didnt knew where mash went when
she fell asleep again he went somewhere 😛

she was later going to to Wahlberg Baigan office to report about mash when she saw beating the shit out of blonde dude and that fat man who you call rat in mind ofc .

Y/n : ....

Darn his head ..

help it's so funny and she started to laugh ...

Y/n she expose herself and finn thought they are done for now but y/n came amd started to take magical pics of the man burried on the ground

Y/n : did you do it LMAO !!

Mash : y-yes n-no ... 🫥


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