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" I will not cared about anyone

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" I will not cared about anyone.. "

" isn't that what you said after coming
in this world "

a copy of her sat there

" You said you will live a life without
worrying over others.. "

" It was perfect ... why did you ruin it "

Y/n : he is your.. brother.. to.. dont you
feel angry that he went through..

" Ha..? "

" There would never come a day where i would worry about such trival things.. "

Y/n : ...

" You should focus on your mission.. "

" become Divine Visionary..Y/n "

Y/n woke up

Y/n : i should get ready today was suppose to be a exams ... and here i skipped half of the day... :p

Not thinking about
the dream.

since she got into this
world she have dream of her

and she tells her things.

but she was so cold this time.

she was walking when she heard cheering sounds

Y/n : damn things might be going crazy.

As she got closer she notice the cheering suddenly stopped .

something didnt felt right so she
started to run.

as she got there she saw a masked guy
near Mash .

she then attack him with a small
fire ball and he moved a little
far away from mash.

Y/n went to stand infront of mash.

Y/n : Who are you...

she said glaring .

Innocent zero : you don't know me..? Didnt that wahlberg--

Wahlberg : S T O P .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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