lunch date <3

112 4 27

*The goths were added to the GC*

Crimson: why are we here?

Kitty: Hai! >-<

Crimson: hello ^_^

Jen: hi! We were just thinking about new spooky dresses we could do.

Tom: ye :3

Ennui: epic, we could join.

Kitty: hold up, aren't you supposed to be like..gothic?

Emma: Kitty!

Kitty: what? It was just a question >_<

Crimson: yeah but today we feel silly

Ellody: ^

Mary: ^^ 

Mickey: ^^^

Noah: hey

Mickey: hi :>

Lorenzo: I have a feeling y'all r dating or something like-

Rock: Real

Spud: bro

Rock: ye?

Spud: are you there, I'm on my way rn

Rock: ye I'm there. 

Ellody: where?

Spud: lunch..

Rock: date!

Emma: how the hell did you cut bro off?

Owen: ^

Lorenzo: this GC is so gay.

Chet: says the guy who wears heavy sweatshirts on summer days

Lorenzo: oop

Laurie: get roasted and toasted 😋

Miles: yum toast

Owen: @ Noah
Bbg can we go to the place?

Noah: we're not going to Wendy's again

Owen: aw :(

Joseè: fatass

Macarthur muted Joseè for 1 hour
Macarthur muted Jaquce for 1 hour

Sanders: thx

Noah: you did us a favour

Macarthur: I swear to god I can't stand those people

Ennui: I forgot they even existed

Lorenzo: ^

Emma: ^^

Kitty: ^^^

Chet: ^^^^

Leonard: ^^^^^
Read by everyone at 6:30 p.m.

9:26 p.m

Kelly: I'm so happy!

Kitty: how?

Kelly: Taylor is gone for 2 hours, which means I get to stay home alone! :3

Chet: you deserve it tbh

Lorenzo: ^

Macarthur: I see Noah and Mickey out rn

Sanders: they are going to a Sonic's


Noah: And I oop
Noah: hi :1

Owen: how dare you betray me gudytd6utdutfcuyfcy

Miles: Owen calm down

Ellody:@ Sanders
yeah we can see them too
Ellody: they are just ordering

Kitty: what are you doing?

Mary: going outside, having a picnic and discuss

Ellody: what she said

Crimson: cute!
Crimson: @ Spud @ Rock
How was it?

Spud: great! ^_^
Spud: we are on our way back home with a taxi.

Lorenzo: help, Chet just started kicking his feet in the air 💀

Chet: I giggled, kicked my feet and flapped my arms 😋

Dwayne: lol



[Hope you like this lol]

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