Let's go on a date

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"What do you mean? It looked like you had another vision just there . Are you sure it was just you spacing out? Please tell me if you had another one. I want to knoow if something bad will happen Ukiki."
Looking at the psychics eyes, he knew something was wrong and that Uki tried hiding something but it seemed like he didn't want to talk about it at all so he didn't ask further.
"No, I'm fine. I promise. There is no need to worry, everything is going to be alright."
His vision still a bit blurry, Uki couldn't even really look at Fulgur's eyes to make him believe nothing happened. Hopefully he wouldn't see that something was in fact not okay.
"I think I will go and use the bathroom real quick, can you just wait here for me?"
"Sure Ukiki, take your time."

Quickly lovking the door of the bathroom behind himself, Uki leaned against the door of the bathroom, slowly sliding down until he sat on the floor. His mind was racing and he didn't know what to do. He had forever dreaded this day. What would happen today was going to make everything fall apart. One of them would die for sure if he wouldn't try to do something against it. This was not good. He would have to find a way to try and at least save Fulgur if he couldn't save himself. But how? How would he be able to even do anything? Why was this happening? Why couldn't their life just be normal and happy like everyone else's?

Knocking on the door.
"Ukiki? I know I said take your time but you're in there for 20 minutes already, are you okay?"
The muffled voice coming tgrough the wood of the door, suddenly sounding painful in his ears. He couldn't hear it anymore.
His hands felt weird. Was he crying? Why was he suddenly crying? Why were there tears falling down onto his hands all of a sudden? Nothing happened after all. Maybe it was just the thought of what was to come. He didn't dare open the door now that Fulgur was standing on the other side.
"Leave me alone.."

"Ukiki, you sound like you're crying... What happened?"
On the other side of the door, Fulgur's hand just slowly sunk down from knocking on the door. It hurt him to see Uki crying and not being able to help since he didn't know what was going on. He wasnted to help him so bad but it would be no use anyway.
"I'll.. just leave you alone then. I'll be in the bedroom if you're looking for me."

Going to the bedroom, Fulgur sat down on his side of the bed, looking at a photo they took a year ago in a photo booth, they looked as if they didn't have a care in the world back then. What had changed now? Was it just them growing up into real adults now?
He turned the picture around and read what Uki had written on it back then.

>>To my stupid but kind boyfriend:
     I know this picture isn't really the best present to get
     someone on valentine's day but i just found it cute
     so I went to print it out. I also made a copy for me       
     that I will always be keeping by my side. We look
     kinda dumb in that photo booth but who cares, only
     the person I love will get to see me like this anyway
     so it's fine. I don't mind looking dumb if it's for you.
     I love you, Fufu-chan
     -Uki                                                                                    <<

Uki even tried drawing something for Fulgur underneath what he had written but he couldn't really make out what it was. It wasn't that he was a bad artist, it was just the fact that he drew it so lightly, it almost faded away already.
Putting the picture where it belonged again, Fulgur opened his bedroom drawer and took out what he had always hidden from Uki. Maybe he should start carrying it with him from now on, just in case. Just to feel a bit safer. He put it away into a bag he always carried when going somewhere with Uki and then fell back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Everything was just confusing him at this point.

In the bathroom, Uki couldn't stop himself from crying because he had to think about what wozld happen today over and over again. He was out of ideas to prevent this. Actually..
He got it.
Jumping up from where he was sitting, he slammed the door open and went to the bedroom where he saw Fulgur laying on the bed but get starteled and almost fall off when he slammed open this door as well.
"Let's go on a date. To where we had our first one."
He said it so loudly, that Fulgur was completely confused right now.
"Who are you and what did you do to my Ukiki? He is never this energetic. He may have very strong opinions when it comes to dates but woah, you have energy."

Smiling to hide the fact that he saw how red Uki's eyes looked, he stood up and came over to where he was standing, to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, before walking over to his side of the closet.
"Gotta pick out something nice then, huh?"
Uki was also smiling now and nodded, before going into the bathroom again to fix his looks a bit.

Oh shit, Fulgur saw him while he looked like THAT? This was awful. He should've checked before he had went to their bedroom. His eyes were redish, looking a bit puffy while his nose had also turned a deeper colour. He also had faint dark circles under his eyes, how could he look this awful right now. He had to admit, his eyes did look more vibrant after crying but overall he just looked weird. Make-up time it was now.

After finally finishing his whole face, he went out of the bathroom, feeling like a new person and already saw Fulgur standing there, ready to go. How the hell was he always this fast to- wow. He had picked out the outfit he wore on their first ever date and it still fit him? Didn't he grow taller since then? Uki could've sworn he did. Anyway now he was going to do the same so he went to his closet and picked out what he had worn back then. It wasn't really his style any longer but he would still wear it. It was just some plain white shit and some pants with it. No this wouldn't do. He had to change at least something.

Taking out a warm coloured coat, he put it over all of the outfit and it looked at least a bit better that way. The last thing he had to do was to put his hair back with a clip since he used to do that and tada, he looked like he did on their first date. Just this time with a coat and glasses since he used to just not wear them because he got told they made him look ugly in the past.

Stepping out of the bedroom again, Fulgur had to smile when he saw Uki had also decided to wear this outfit.
"So you still kept them? I thought you had thrown them away by now since you wouldn't wear them anyway. But it's nice to see that we will both be wearing this again. Just with a few additions and older. How old even were we on our first date? 18 and 17? I think it was that. But I also remember thinking you were somewhere around 16 since you looked so shy when we went on our first date. Actually, how come you never told me your age before that?"
"You simply never asked. And now let's go. I don't wanna waste time talking about these days.."
"Why is that? Are you embarrassed about how shy you were back then?"
Teasing Uki a bit, Fulgur raised his eyebrows and smiled at him in a dumb way, just to make him be annoyed by him.
"No. Not at all. Now shut up and let's go."
Looking a bit pouty, he grabbed Fulgur's hand and dragged him outside the house.


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