3. white bracelet

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The clicking sound of clock was clearly heard in the silent room,the sky was fading into black. All the birds were returning to their houses chirping in large amount.......jeongguk was sitting on his bed–fully concentrated on the black pearls. He tsked multiple time while fixing the most precious bracelet of his new well first best friend. Jeongguk was happy that his first day was way more better than his expectations. Jeongguk got two best friends just in a single day, and he will try his best to make their bond more stronger.

"What is the problem?" He frowned looking at the chain moving it up and down, right and left. "Ohh" he smiled after acquiring the problem.....there was a kind of hook which was connecting the both edges—broken, he can't fix it until he finds something similar to replace it on. A small pout appeared on his lips wondering where he can find that. He got no bracelets like this one, coz he don't wear them. Should he go to a store and find one like this....he can use the connector for this one right? Of course he can.

Jeongguk smiled at his plan and got up, he wore a jacket over his t-shirt and the most important mask then he walked towards downtown which was just some blocks away.


"What about this one?" A guy with blonde locks asked someone "Don't ask me, I know nothing about your shitty stuff taehyung" the other replied frustratingly, he wasn't looking like he wanted to be here. "Seojun, don't say like that....you are the one who asked me for shopping." Taehyung pouted angrily as well as sadly"I did...but...can't we just go to some other store like... some branded one...this place sucks" seojun said with a disgusted face, taehyung huffed and rolled his eyes "you can wait outside...I'll be there, now leave" he said again focusing on some bracelets

"I'm here only" he mumbled while taking out his phone.

Taehyung and his bestfriend seojun both belongs to rich families—but taehyung is a different kind of person. He doesn't like showing of his things and money like his bestfriend and brothers do....no one knows about his sexuality other than seojun. He kept it hidden because he knows....if anyone found it out...taehyung won't live longer

His father and brothers are very stereotype, they have old thinking even after living in 21st century. They oppose same gender love. Why? Because they think it's disgusting. Well everyone have their own opinions—can't force them.

Seojun is a supportive bestfriend in taehyung's eyes, he is sexy and very handsome so many girls runs around him but he still chose to neglect them. Because he got other plans.


"Let's see" jeongguk said before opening the shop's glass door. He marched straight to the bracelets section and started admiring the beautiful and vibrant bracelets. "Seojun look, should I buy this one with small pearls or the orange one with big pearls" taehyung showed him both "orange, maybe....wait a minute, I got a call" seojun said picking up the call marching out..

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