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Felix could be seen pacing around in his bedroom. It's been a whole month and still he couldn't get an ounce of sleep without sedatives and even with them, he'd always have gruesome nightmares of Hyunjin covered in blood with a bullet in his heart.

For the past month now, Felix's thoughts are centered on the one and only Hwang Hyunjin whom he barely knows anything about. Of course he looked him up on the internet and the only thing he could find is that he's an online artist whose arts could only be accessed at the best museums, that's to show how equisite his arts are. Felix already had a couple of them before he even knew the man.

The doctor didn't believe that Hyunjin's only an artist though. There's something else about the man but Felix couldn't quite place his hand on it. Hyunjin has always had a mysterious aura around him.

After Hyunjin left a month ago without informing the younger. Felix couldn't deny that he felt hurt but he knew he has to face reality. He couldn't believe he's grown attached to the older in just three days. Even in the absence of the older, he missed him badly, he couldn't stop thinking about him.

He has tried so hard not to think about him anymore, even resorting to overworking himself. He's only free from those thoughts when he's either in the OT (Operation Theatre) or EU (Emergency Unit). It's unnecessary for him to always show up in the EU but he needed to keep himself and his mind busy, only that way would he not think about Hyunjin.

He have always succeeded in keeping the thoughts of the older far away from his mind during these times but he can't keep working without rest. So the thoughts of Hyunjin always have a way of returning whenever his mind is idle. And the more he thought about him, the more unholier the thoughts become and he always think about him in the most random and inappropriate times.

Right now he should've been sleeping. He has a C.A.B.G surgery scheduled tomorrow. He needs a lot of rest and energy. He should be in the best condition both physically and psychologically since it's going to be a strenuous surgery which will take not less than five hours to be completed.

He walked towards his bedside table and took the Rozerem tablet, sat down on his bed staring down at it.

As a doctor, he's very aware of the consequences of constant intake of Hypnotics but he's also aware that he should get enough sleep, if not he won't be able to perform the surgery well tomorrow because of drowsiness and he can't afford to gamble with a patients life.

"Oh my God!, Hyunjin see what you've reduced me to". He muttered groaning and swallowed the content in his hand down his throat. He has no other choice, he won't be allowed into the OT if he has an eye bag. Not long after he felt his eyelids getting heavier. He succumbed to the drowsiness and welcomed the sleep calling out to him, mumbling out a prayer to his maker to prevent the nightmares from hunting him even if it's just for this night, not for his own sake but for the sake of the patient laying in the hospital bed waiting to be saved from the clutches of death with tomorrow's open heart surgery and with that he dozed off.

The next day, he woke up energized. Surprisingly he slept well and had no nightmares. It seems like God answered his prayer.

He glanced towards his bedside table where his alarm was located, sighing in relief when he saw the time showing 8:30am. He forgot to set up his alarm but thank God he didn't oversleep. The surgery is scheduled for 10:30am, so there's still time left before he has to go to the hospital.

So he decided to fix himself a healthy breakfast and lunch if he has enough time. He has been eating lots of takeouts these days, so he needed to start eating healthy again.

He didn't know why but he's feeling a bit refreshed.

Standing up from his bed, he made his way to his bathroom, washed his face,wore his flip-flops and headed downstairs. On passing the room he used to house Hyunjin to recovery, memories starts to flood in. This is exactly the same room where his first kiss was taken away from him by Hwang Hyunjin but he will never admit it to Hyunjin.

He could still remember how in sync their lips moved as they both shared a kiss full of passion. He sighed moving away not without noticing that his legs has gone numb from standing on a spot for too long.

On getting into the kitchen, he walked towards the refrigerator, scanned his eyes through it to see if there's any ingredients to fix himself a healthy breakfast. He was surprised to actually find something. Jeogin must have stocked his refrigerator full since he's always the one doing it. Felix doesn't really have the time and luxury for that. He can't remember the last time he went shopping.

But before he could stretch his hands into the refrigerator to retrieve what he wants. His landline telephone rang. He walked towards it while wondering who could be calling him.

On the getting there, he saw it was an unknown number, his heart was thumping very loudly from anxiousness, only the hospital, his brother and Jeogin could access his landline number and judging from the number it doesn't belong to either of them. He knows it's a dangerous thing to answer an unknown number, after contemplating for a while, he decided to take it. Anyone who could access his landline is by no means an ordinary person so they will always find a way to contact him if he declines.

He tapped on the receive botton and waited for whoever it is that's on the other end to speak but nothing came, only the soft breathing on the other side is an indication that someone's on the line. The silence on the other end of the line was starting to scare the shit out of him but before he could hang up, he heard it, a HELLO that made his heart stop. He could recognize that voice even in his sleep.

"Hello? Hyunjin is that you?". He inquired just to be sure.

"Yes Felix, it's me". His voice came out breathy as if supressing some emotions.

"Wow". That was all Felix could manage out, amidst the turmoil in his heart,why was Hyunjin calling, is he okay.


"I'm surprised that's all, thought you wouldn't want to speak to me again after walking out a month ago without informing me, not even a note". He have always wanted to say that and letting it out felt good.

"Look I am sorry for that, I will explain everything to you, that's if we can meet up". He asked nervously as if holding his breath.

"It's okay if you're busy. I know I shouldn't have asked, in fact I shouldn't have called at all. I'm very sorry, I'll hang up now". He continued rambling and I could feel him panicking.

"Hyunjin calm down, take some deep breaths". Felix instructed breathing loudly for him to follow, after he felt him calm down, he proceeded "We can meet up, just tell me when and location".

"Maybe today? if it's okay with you of course". He replied after some time.

"Wow! did you miss me that much". He asked intending to tease him but he's answer made the younger choke on air.

"You have no idea how much I missed you". He said chuckling embarrassedly, as if he couldn't believe he admitted that.

The doctor was totally speechless, he didn't know what to say.

"Hello, Felix are you still there".

"Yeah, you made me speechless, I don't know what to say". He admitted.

"You don't have to say anything". The older assured and Felix could feel him smiling.

"I don't know about meeting up today, I have a open heart surgery by 10:30am, which will be concluded by maybe 4or5pm ". The younger sighed regrettably.

"Well, we can still meet up by maybe 7or8pm, what do you think". Hyunjin asked persistent.

"I can't go out that late".

" How about we meet up at your place, instead of going out?". He suggested.

After thinking about it, Felix agreed "look who's desperate to see me, huh". He taunted.

"You aren't wrong on this one because I am desperate to see you". With that they both said their goodbyes and he hung up leaving the younger a blushing mess.

Constant intake of Hypnotics and Sedatives is by no means advisable
Please consult your doctor before consuming

Shalom ✌️

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