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Progress. Progress is all Charlie wanted and she got it, her father Apologized and Adam forgave. This was the first ever step to redeem souls, she just hoped it would be Successful and she would not Fail. This is all she ever wanted in her life.

As time went on, more progress was made, some were starting to actually follow Charlie's rules of being redeemed. Adam's wings were healed too, he could normaly fly now, he felt better and mush happier. He never thought he would ever feel happy in hell but here he was. It was a little things that slowly made more and more progress.

One night, Adam was in the kitchen, just eating some food. He was glad that this Demons had something that an Angle could eat. Adam was deep in his thoughts, thinking what did he do wrong to get kicked out of Heaven. It was odd to him becouse he didn't remembered. If Lucifer remembered and knew why he was kicked out of Heaven then why didn't Adam remember?

As Adam continued to think, eat and also search for answeres in his head, he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. This made Adam flinch a little and turned around. It was Charlie.

"Charlie? What's up?" Adam asked, his tone was calm and not one of his cocky and narcissist personality.

"Uh... My dad wants you to come to his office, he didn't told me why though." Charlie said. Adam was quiet for few seconds before shrugging slightly and speaking up. "Yeah, Okay... I'll go."

With that, Adam got up and started to walk out of the kitchen. He wondered what Lucifer might need from him. Maybe talk?


Adam got to Lucifer's office. He gently knocked on the door but he got no respond. He was kinda confused now, but Adam's first thought wasn't something like 'Maybe he isn't at his office yet.' But Adam's first thought was something like 'Did Charlie lie to me?!' Adam knocked again but this time he didn't wait for Lucifer to open the door, Adam just went in.

Adam opened the door and went in, he looked around the office and... Lucifer wasn't there. Adam slightly raised his eyebrow in confusion, not sure what to do.

Suddenly, Adam was pinned down on the table by no other than Lucifer. Adam let out a yelp as he was pinned down on the table.

"Forgive me, Adam~" Lucifer whispered in teasing and seducive tone. Adam was pinned down on his stomach, his wings and arms were tightly held by Lucifer so he wouldn't try and escape.

"W-WHAT THE HELL?!!!" Adam yelled in fear and anger. He wasn't expecting this at all, he wasn't expecting this from Lucifer after he Apologized.

"Calm down, I'll make it quick." Lucifer chuckled. "W-What are you doing?!! Let go of me you Psycho!!" Adam yelled, now he was genuinely scared and desperatly tried to escape.

Lucifer slowly started to rub his hard bulge against Adam. Adam's face became red as he started to shake slightly. He closed his eyes and he looked like he was giving in, which made Lucifer more aroused. Lucifer was getting small reactions from Adam, small moans and whimpers.

Adam's wings suddenly started to fluff up in responds to Lucifer's touch. He felt his pants being pulled down which made him embarrassed and vulnerable.

Lucifer also pulled his pants down, revealing his cock that was starting to twitch in need.

Adam was taller compared to Lucifer, but sometimes he forgot how strong Lucifer actually is. This made him feel dumb and embarrassed.

"Not resisting at all, how lovely~" Lucifer chuckled as he grabbed Adam by his hips and pressed his cock against his entrance. Adam let out a small whimper and moan, closing his eyes tightly.

As Lucifer pushed his hips forward and slid his cock inside Adam, Adam started to tear up and let out a High-pitched moan/cry. It made Lucifer want to do more to him, the feeling of his tightness was driving Lucifer crazy.

Lucifer started to thrust, making Adam give in and moan in pleasure as he was bent over the table. Lucifer couldn't belive how good it felt, his cock throbed and slightly twitched as he kept thrusting inside Adam.

Adam lowered his wings, a Sign of submission which turned Lucifer on even more. He thrusted little more faster now, making Adam's moans more loud.

"You like it?~" Lucifer whispered in teasing tone.

"M-Mhhh~ Y-Yes..." Adam said, he looked compleatly dazed and drawn in pleasure.


Alastor stood by the door with wide eyes and a traumatized grin. His ears were lowered and his body shaking slightly. He was just walking by and saw something he wasn't meant to see. Seems like Lucifer forgot to lock the doors and it was slightly open.

Alastor stood there, shaking but not daring to move. He was compleatly Traumatized and would never be able to get this out of his mind unless he was hit in the head with something.


Yall, I'm sorry for Traumatizing Alastor but I just had to do it. I'm sure yall are like this rn:

are u serious rn
_| \_

But I had to do it😭 Anyway, this was Part 5.♡

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