The Beginning

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The Oxford Campus was crowded with scholars. First years (freshman) were all gathered around in one group either with friends or family, carrying their luggage to their cars. It was the last day of school. Of college. 

  Second years (sophomores) were either cheering or taking pictures or videos to post on their social media, celebrating their last day of a very long and exhausting year. I hadn't seen any third or fourth years (juniors and seniors) near the campus since the Graduation Party. It was near one o'clock in the afternoon and everyone was already leaving or had already left. 

  My luggage was still in my dorm, waiting for me at the door, as well as a dear friend of mine. Felix Catton. We met in freshman year. His eyebrow piercing had kind of snagged on my sweater at a party and I had to take him to the hospital. The experience was a bit… fun. After he'd gotten about seven stitches, I treated him to ice cream (as if that made him feel better) and he told me about his life in Saltburn.

  His family’s large estate, more like a remote estate. From the pictures I'd seen, it reminded me a lot of a castle. 

  Felix came from a very wealthy family but even though he was rather bathed in riches, he didn't let the thought of money go over his head. He also didn't use it to get what he wanted and that's one of the things I really liked about him. He was also very kind, not very, tremendously kind. He was the sweetest person I'd known in my whole life, still is. 

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