Part One

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I still can't believe we were actually friends. Especially since I was well... me. I was no taller than five-one with a somewhat thick figure, smaller top, bigger bottom. (my mother always teased me about it) I had long loose dark curls, light brown skin, brown eyes, long lashes, a small but straight nose, and full heart shaped lips.

"Maeve!" a familiar voice called. I faced the direction of the voice and my expression brightened a bit when I noticed it was Annabelle. She was waving me over to where she stood by her small car. I started toward her but was quickly blocked in my path by a tall figure. I looked up and rolled my eyes at Farleigh. "What?" I scoffed.

"What do you mean 'what'? Felix and I have been waiting for you for an hour, we were supposed to leave early," he replied. The sound of his smooth voice sent a satisfied wave through my body. At least I didn't have to hear the sound of Mrs. Partridge's shrill voice this summer. "Right, I forgot," I replied, apologetically. "I just wanted to see the Campus before we left."

"Oh my God," Farleigh scoffed in disbelief. "The Campus?! Aren't you tired of this place?! We're going to Saltburn, and it's your first time."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," I huffed. "Let me talk to Anna first-"

"No! You can just phone her, and plus you'll see her at the party." he said, cutting me off. I frowned, genuinely confused. "What party?" I asked.

"Just c'mon," he huffed while grabbing my hand and pulling me off Campus grounds. I turned toward Annabelle only to find her frowning. I waved, sending her a small smile before signaling her to call me. Farleigh led me onto the College parking lot.

We both climbed into the back of an old black BMW and the driver began driving off the College premises and soon we were leaving Wellington Square. Farleigh nudged my leg with his and I looked up at him with a frown. His features were brightened with a sly smirk. "Why do you look so gloomy?" he questioned. I rolled my eyes at him before looking out the tinted windows. "I guess I'm just a bit nervous," I mumbled.

"You? Nervous?" he scoffed once again in disbelief. "Says one of my only friends who has the actual cojones to stand up to the whole Student Body Council without notorious reasons." I rolled my eyes at him again, unable to suppress a laugh. "I'm just worried about Felix's parents, you did say they were a bit... odd." I replied.

"Oh, did I? Elspeth is literally the sweetest though she has very little perspective for Americans, as well as Richard, that's the only thing you should be worried about." he explained.

"Oh okay, so just don't mention anything about Americans?" I frowned. He hummed, nodding. "It's a good thing you're not American, Elspeth would go on about it day and night." he snickered. I shook my head a bit before looking back out the window.

The four hour ride to Saltburn had put a horrible cramp in my arse, even though we did stop for snacks in Manchester, it still ached for the rest of the ride. I examined the large manor, gaping at the castle-like estate, already bewildered by its beauty.

The BMW drove through the open gates and down the rocky road toward the entrance. When the car stopped, Felix exited the large doors of the entrance wearing a loose pink polyester sweater and khaki pants. He nearly sprinted toward the vehicle and opened the door and smiled brightly. "Maeve, love, you made it," he beamed, his charming smile almost as bright as the sun reflecting off the rearview mirror. I returned his smile as I climbed out of the car and he closed the door behind me. I blinked a few times before turning back. "Oh, Farleigh," I gasped, opening the door again.

Farleigh huffed lightly. "Wow, bloody great way to greet family," he murmured. I released a soft amused laugh before helping him out of the car. Felix chuckled a bit. "Oh, Farleigh, I thought you rode in your own car," he said.

"Nope, I thought I'd keep little Maevie company," Farleigh replied, nudging my shoulder. "Figured you wouldn't mind."

"Of course I don't." Felix scoffed. "Erm, your things are upstairs in your room, I made sure Duncan put them there when they arrived."

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Anytime, love," he replied, grinning. Then he hooked a long arm around my waist before leading me inside, Farleigh following behind us. We ventured inside the large manor and headed toward the West wing of the estate, and as we did, Felix gave me a quick tour, telling me what room was which, which room belonged to who, etc.

Then we climbed a flight of grand stairs then made a right down a long corridor and into a room where five people sat among one couch talking. I could overhear a woman saying something about Americans being arrogant and loud before we entered the room. I was suddenly aware of what I was wearing (a long sleeved gray-blue antagonist waist shirt with dark blue baggy jeans/I wore my hair up trapped in a claw clip with pearl earrings and necklace) when everyone faced us in the doorway.

A woman with long blonde hair, fair but slightly striking, beautiful features gasped. "Oh, she's gorgeous," she said. Her British accent sounded so pure and elegant that I couldn't help but smile just by the sound of it and her words.

I gave a small wave while smiling softly. "Hi," I lightly beamed.

"Good God, Felix," a man said. He sat between the blonde woman and a blonde girl who looked a lot like the woman. On the right of the blonde woman was another woman with red curly fringe sat beside her wearing something I'd only seen in a frivolous but dark 18th century painting.

"Everyone, this is Maeve, Maeve, this is everyone, my mother, Elspeth, her dear friend, Pamela, my sister, Venetia, and my father, Richard," Felix began. "Oh, and that's Duncan." He pointed toward the man standing near the door wearing a butler's suit.

"Well, isn't this a pleasure," Elspeth said, smiling warmly as she stood to take my hand. Her skin engulfed mine. "It is my pleasure to have you stay here for the summer, and I hope that we get to know one another as well," she smiled.

"And so do I," I replied, returning her smile.

"Even her accent is gorgeous," Pamela grinned. "I bet her mother is very proud that she raised such a beautiful daughter."

"Don't smother the girl, let her breathe," Richard huffed. "It is great to meet you, Maeve, I hope you find yourself enjoying your stay here with us." I nodded firmly, unsure what else to do. "I'm sure I will," I responded.

"Oh, almost forgot, would you like a glass of champagne?" Elspeth asked.

"Oh, no thanks, I'm okay," I replied.

"Are you on a diet?" Richard questioned.

"Erm no, I just have a strict rule about daytime drinking." I answered.

"Ahh, she's responsible too," Elspeth marveled. "Well, we'll allow Felix to escort you to your room, he was very keen to see your car arrive and nearly flew out the room."

"Mother," Felix slightly mumbled. Elspeth grinned. "Off you go," Farleigh silently snickered. Then Felix began leading me outside of the little family room and back down the long corridor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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