Chapter 49: The High Prince

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The High Prince

Unmatched, was the elation that pulsated through AJ's veins. Incomparable had been the overwhelming sense of wonder that encapsulated him as he ran straight into the unknowns of freedom. Of course, such freedom was dampened by the inescapable fact that he was on the run. That he was - as of only a few weeks ago - a wanted wizard.
     Nevertheless, the way in which he could breathe the cool, crisp air of his homeland, was enough to ease the reality of the situation he found himself in.
     But he could not deny the truth. And the truth was - they were both in danger, the longer they remained out-in-the-open.

     AJ's eyes found the hardened figure of Izabell, who lead the way ahead of him, as the blackness of night sent a chill down his spine.
     She had not spoken much: only to inform him when she had changed the course of their journey. Nor had he attempted to converse with her, choosing instead to put himself to use by practicing with his wand.
     He'd improved. Even if he did say so himself. He could now a few of the spells he had learned  through the eyes of the young witch. Though he had had no opportunity to try them out on an actual target. But he was optimistic.
     However, there was something on his mind that - no matter how hard he tried - he could not ignore. This question, had rooted itself into his thoughts.
"What happen to mother?" He asked abruptly into the darkness. Up ahead, Izabell stopped dead in her tracks. For a moment, she did not move. And AJ, who came to her side, said nothing more as he watched her pale, scarred face morph into an expression of something he could not entirely place. He thought he saw admiration amongst anguish, but he could not be sure.

"She did as I came to do." She finally spoke. "She did all she could, to protect her innocent from the horror of the man she had once loved." Her voice was quiet, yet heavy with emotion. "Just as I gave my human life to save my children from the ancient prophecies of old."
AJ listened intently, not daring to speak. To move. To breathe.
     "But it was foolish of me to believe that I could outrun the inevitable. And - though I knew it then, that my daughters would never be safe - perhaps I was wrong to think they would've been better off without me."
     Still, AJ remained silent as Izabell spoke again.
     "Our mother - Princess Camilla Dolohov, though her maiden name was Caeruleus - married our father rather young. She was twenty when she had me." Then she heaved a sigh, though there was no need - as she had no need to breathe. "I did not know until I reached adulthood, that she bore two sons; you and your twin brother, Fabian. Who died not long after your birth."
AJ could not find words.
"You were named after my godfathers, who died not long after I gave birth to my first daughter, Ellestormé." At this, Izabell continued walking. And AJ was glad of the movement. "Our grandfather was a King: King Michael Caeruleus of Britain and France. But our Grandmother was a Queen in her own right. She was Queen Penelope of Italy, Germany and Spain."
AJ could not stop the stunned whistle that escaped him.
"You are a Prince by birth, Gideon Molano. And I - had I lived - would have been Queen. But the Crown always finds its way to the right head. And Storm is more worthy than I ever could've been. And now, as the next in line - you are The High Prince." Izabell then shook her head. "But like our mother, the duty was not to pass to me." There was a long pause. "I know little of the reasons she went into hiding," she said, "but I was raised without magic, away from the burdens of what she left behind. But on my last day of Muggle school - my whole life changed. Forever." Her face fell. And AJ felt guilty for asking.

"Our mother," AJ saw venom pool in her eyes, "I know not what happened. Only that she is dead. Killed by her own sister - our Aunt - whom married our father and joined the Death Eaters."
"I saw her only once - the first spell I ever saw - was the Torture Curse, which she used on me."
     AJ was at a loss as to what to say. He only vaguely understood her words, though he would remember them clearly. He did not know what Death Eaters were, but they did not sound good.

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