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                  COMING OUT

Request: when Harry released 'lights up' it helped me come out to my family but I struggled to tell them everything and I was worried that they wouldn't accept me. But I was wondering whether you could write something about Harry being the readers brother or something and her finding solace in him and coming out as Bisexual? Thank you!!

A/N: I'm proud of you for coming out!! I absolutely love writing sweet stories like this. Thank you for the request!!<3

What do you mean I'm sorry by the way. I'm never coming back down. Cant you see? I could but wouldn't stay. Wouldn't put it like that. What do you mean? I'm sorry by the way never coming around. It'd be so sweet if things just stayed the same... all the lights couldn't put out the dark running through my heart. Lights up and they know who you are know who you are do you know who you are? Shine—

An abrupt knock at the door which was very loud forced your eyes to flick up from your laptop as they landed on your brother his brows raised and expectant look on his face as a small sheepish smile tugged at your lips before you pulled the earbud out of your ear Harry's voice getting distant as you removed the other headphone, "sorry. What did you say?" You asked "you want to come out to dinner with me and gem tonight? Just us three. On me. That fish place in town" amusement slowly wrapped around you and you let out a soft giggle "that fish place sounds kinda concerning... do you mean that fish and chip place?" "It's the same thing y/n! God... well?" Your lips turned further upwards as you tried not to burst out laughing "yes I'll come with you both. As long as you don't hand me a live fish..." "y/n! Christs sake." He pinched the bridge of his nose before groaning— oh the sibling rivalry would never get old. "You're unbelievable" he muttered shaking his head "I know. I'm very special. Favourite child" you placed your hands under your chin posing playfully, Harry scoffing "shush. Be ready alright? We're leaving at 6" he spoke giving you a pointed look "that's 18 o'clock alright" he spoke, teasing you, making you look up from your computer and glare at him. "I struggle with numbers shut it!" He shouted at him, Harry laughing as he left your room heading into his own as you scoffed looking back down at your laptop. It was a rarity that Harry would come home... especially at a time like this— and to have both older siblings at home was even more rare but you weren't complaining. You were just excited to spend time with them both.


A few hours had passed and your eyes were beginning to get tired from the constant texting back and forth. You were messaging the prettiest girl you had laid eyes on and well you were falling for her. You knew you were bi-sexual from a very young age but you were afraid to openly admit it. You didn't care what anyone else thought about your sexuality— the only person you cared about was Harry and your family. It scared you because you were worried about being rejected or receiving homophobia because of it. Sure harry had helped tons of fans come out on stage but that was on stage.... It didn't effect his every day life... and openly outing yourself to him scared you shitless.

A blush had remained on your face for the past twenty minutes and you couldn't shake it. You didn't know how to act— how this girl you had known for maybe a month or two was now suddenly making your stomach erupt with butterflies. You glanced down at the time.. 5:44. You were a bit hesitant but eventually you closed your laptop, standing up from your bed as you quickly left your room rushing down the hallway and to Harry's where you hesitated before sighing bringing your hand up to knock on the door firmly but gently all at once. "Come in"

His voice called and you hesitantly opened the door poking your head in seeing him on his side scrolling on his phone not looking at you just yet but when you didn't say anything he looked at you quirking a brow at you— phone lazily sat in his hand "you okay?" You remained silent feeling your cheeks heat up further. God this was a bad idea. Why come to your fucking brother about it?! Why not Gemma first?! Fuck fuck fuck "y/n" your eyes met with his again "are you feeling okay? You look a bit flushed" he spoke your eyes widening slightly before you closed the door pressing your back against it your eyes remaining locked on his. "What-" "your song." Harry paused furrowing his brows "my song?" "Yes your song harry. Lights up... what— what's it about?" He studied you trying to figure you out before he sat up straighter phone now discarded onto the bed beside him,

"Finding yourself. People can take away anything they want from it. It's multilayered. Has many different meanings..." he shrugged lightly his attention completely devoted to you. "That's very vague." You spoke with a nervous smile and he raised his brows before sighing "it's a Saturday y/n. My brain is not working right now... but... I've seen fans come out with it. You know? The song helping them find themselves." He murmured softly not giving anymore examples as you didn't let him, instead quickly sitting on the bed in front of him "promise you won't hate me?"
"Y/n what have you done?"

He raised his brows in slight concern "I'm bisexual." Those words left your lips faster than your brain could comprehend your eyes straining to focus on Harry, looking for any negative connotations or any negativity but you found none instead his lips curled upwards dimples slowly appearing before he let out a small laugh "what?" You asked anxiously "I've known since you were 12." He spoke making your eyes widen your cheeks flushing red "wait— what— how— I didn't tell anyone I–" you became flustered but he only smiled "I saw the way you looked at certain girls.... Plus the way you dress is a dead giveaway." You glanced down brows raised "that's not a bad thing." He assured with a small chuckle "and the way you act. You're very flamboyant." He spoke with a tender grin your face slightly pale drained of colour as he studied you carefully "you aren't angry, right?" You asked Harry raising his brows "y/n why on earth would I be angry? Of course not" he spoke quickly reaching out to you and enveloping you in a tight hug "you of all people should know you can be yourself no matter what... fuck what anyone else things... no one else cares. They only care if they're into you. And if they care because they're homophobic then screw them— right?" A small chuckle leaves his lips and you laugh quietly holding onto him tightly feeling your eyes prick with tears ever so slightly "right." You murmur softly.

"Someone has a problem with you being who you are then let them have a problem. They have nothing better to do than be keyboard warriors so let them do their shit."

"Keyboard warriors? Harry you're 30 not 17" you giggled out Harry smirking slightly before rolling his eyes playfully. "I'm glad you aren't angry." You murmur as he gives you a squeeze "you're the only person who knows." At those words Harry pulls you back hands rested upon your shoulders as he gazed down at you "really?" His smile grows as you nod "well.... Thank you for telling me. I'm proud of you." He spoke softly pulling you in for another hug, soon hearing an abrupt knock

"Harry you told me 6 on the dot and it is now 6:15....." Gemma's annoyed voice rang from behind the door and you smiled slowly pulling away "let's get going." You stood up only to be stopped by Harry grabbing your hand making you look at him "I mean it." He spoke softly his eyes searching your face "I'm proud of you."

Be you always.

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