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Few months passed. Since Y/N and Soonyoung were senior students, their final exams approached. They both got busy and couldn't interact much.

*Graduation day*

Finally, it was that day. The day which some students looked forward towards whilst some didn't hoping they still would enjoy their teenage before becoming an adult.

Y/N and Soonyoung both graduated with good grades. Everyone was happy rejoicing. Y/N was happy yet nervous. Nervous because she was going to confess her feelings to a boy. The boy who was such a good friend of her's. Kwon Soonyoung. She was scared whether he would reciprocate her feelings but some part of her wished greatly that he would.

Y/N and Soonyoung clicked a photo together. Both of them having a nervous feeling inside of them each having different reason.

"Y/N I want to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I...I am going to DEBUT SOON"

Soonyoung shouted with happiness.

"What? Really?!"

"Yeah, I'll be debuting soon in a group. I wanted to tell you this since a long time but i just couldn't get time."

"KWON SOONYOUNG?! CONGRATULATIONS. I'm so proud of you my dear friend."

Both of them hugged each other. As soon as they hugged Y/N's eyes welled up with tears. It's not like she wasn't happy for him. Infact she was proud that he finally achieved his dream but some part of her wished he stayed with her always. Now he was going to be celebrity and dating for them is quite risky. Hence she stopped herself from confessing.

"You know what?! We all thirteen of us are debuting and group will be called SEVENTEEN."

*Y/N chuckles* "SEVENTEEN name for a thirteen-member group?"

"Just wait you will know the explanation soon."

"Soonyoung, you thirteen people are fated. I'm sure y'all are going to be one of the biggest bands ever."

"I hope we will."

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