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Junhee yelled downstairs at his son who was done brushing his teeth.


a cute voice came from upstairs as Minjun is making his his way down staris.

"lets go shall we??"

asked Junhee as his son nodded cutely and hold Minjun's hand as they walk out of the house to the car. 

[in the car]

Junhee buckled up his  belt seatbelt after helping Minjun's with his. and started to drive..

[10 mins passed]

they finally arrived to Minjun's kindergarten , Junhee unbuclked his seatbelt and got off the car to get Minjun out of the car as well and hold his hand while crossing the road to the kindergarten.

Junhee dropped his son off his kindergarten and went to his work.

[at the kindergarten]

" Minjun!!!!!"

someone called his name out, when he turned around he saw his best friend Junmin.

Junmin ran to minjun and hugged him tightly 

"did u heard we gonna have a new teacher?? im so excited!!"

Junmin was telling Minjun while jumping around 

"oh really..? i havent heard actually--"



said the teacher trying to gain the kids attention as they all sat down in a circle while listening to her quietly.

"ok so today we are having a new teacher whos gonna be with u guys because sadly Sara had to leave for a pregency break" 

as she finished the sentence she turned around to Yuchan singling him to come inside the room as he did quietly 

"kids please give a warm welcome your new teacher, please introduce yourself"

"hii kids!! I'm gonna be your new teacher

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"hii kids!! I'm gonna be your new teacher. my name is Kang Yuchan but you guys can call me Chan!! i hope to get along with all of you!!"

some girls ran to Yuchan hugging him and later he played with the kids and teaches them new stuff 

[7 hours has passed] 

a lot of time has passed and the kids had so much fun with their new teacher. but the day came to an end and parents started to take their kids one by one..

while Yuchan started to organize the messy room he noticed that all the kids parents has taken their kids expect one kid.. Minjun .. he immediately dropped everything and went to give Minjun company.

"hi Minjun where is your parents? why arent they picking u up ?"

"my dad always pick me up a bit late.. he always have meetings so I just stay here for a bit..."

Minjun said while looking down.

"I see. do u want to drink some chocolate milk ?"

Minjun looked up at Yuchan and nodded cutely. Yuchan giggled while messing Minjuns hair and getting up making Minjun chocolate milk

after a while Yuchan came with the chocolate milk and some cookies on the side.

''here you go cutie.. I'm gonna clean for a bit enjoy ur chocolate milk ok?"

Minjun nodded and thanked Yuchan for the cookies and chocolate milk 

time has passed and Yuchan finished cleaning and played a bit more with Minjun while waiting for his dad..

the bell rang but Yuchan and Minjun were too busy playing and having funny they didn't noticed someone has entered 

Junhee got inside the kindergarten hearing laughs in nearby room he went there and a big smile appeared on Junhee's face seeing his son this happy. but quickly the smile disappeared and a frown confusing face was on his face as he saw the person next to his son.

Junhee knocked on the door even though hes already inside just to get his son's attention , they both stopped playing and looked at the door. Minjun smiled and ran to his dad hugging him tightly. Junhee smiled and picked his son 

"im sorry for taking this long.."

"its ok dad I understand.. my new teacher was here to  give me some company while I wait for u !!"

yuchan got up with a smile seeing Minjun with his dad. but soon the smiley face completely dropped. as he saw Junhee's face. Junhee was looking at Yuchan realizing why he was so familiar earlier. they both just stared at each other  but they stopped as Minjun broke the silence

"dad are you ok?" 

"huh? yes.. lets go home Minjun"


Minjun  yelled waving his hand bye to Yuchan as Yuchan gave a small smile waving back

( I found best gif for the waving thing BUT THIS BITCH WONT LET ME PUT IT CRYING RN)

"do you have a car to go home? i can give u a ride back home.."

Junhee offered to Yuchan

''uhm, its ok!! im going on the bus-"

"yeah yeah didn't asked. come with us I will drive u home."



Yuchan agreed having an embarrassing smile on his face but he did that  only cause of Minjun

Junhee and Minjun were doing their way to the car while Yuchan sighed and locked the kindergarten, he knew he cant say no to him.. Yuchan groaned and headed out 

to be continued 

hii cuties. i would like to know what u guys think.. should I continue it? cya tomorrow for a new part 

 should I continue it? cya tomorrow for a new part 

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