038. father, don't blame us

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ACT THREE, chapter thirty—eight :father, don't blame us for trying to livefor trying to love, for wanting morefather, don't blame us for trying to bleedlike real human beings and nothing more

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ACT THREE, chapter thirty—eight :
father, don't blame us for trying to live
for trying to love, for wanting more
father, don't blame us for trying to bleed
like real human beings and nothing more


july to august, 1995 — fifth year.
[trigger warnings — depictions of self—harm]

The Dark Mark hurt.

It hurt because she had taken an iron to it.

For days, Lili had laid in her bed in 14 Spinner's End, and she saw her life spill out before her like a knocked—over glass of wine that she desperately tried to sop up before it reached the white carpet (looking suspiciously like the Malfoy's carpet — from the house she was born in). It was slipping away from her, and her fingers weren't fast enough to stop it before it made a mess.

And then she would become a Death Eater.

Just like she was meant to be.

The wine reached the carpet and stained it red.

The Dark Lord will have won. He will have seeped his way into every fiber of Lili's life, staining everything that was once clean. For days now, she felt herself sinking and she hadn't even met the madman yet. But once she had, then that would be it. It had already been decided. She didn't have a choice.

Did she?

Lili took an iron to her Dark Mark. The air began to grow hot and sweat broke along her brow. Something was sizzling. It smelt faintly of bacon. For the first time in months, she was hungry.

"What the f—ck?!"

Lili jumped more at the volume than her father's appearance. She had known him to be scathing at the best of times but she had never heard him swear quite so vehemently before. Still spitting swears, he yanked the iron from her grip and fairly tossed it across the room before he dragged her arm beneath the faucet, soaking her with cold water. But no, no, he was ruining it. He was ruining everything!

"I want it off!" Lili found herself yelling, fighting him, "I want it gone!"

Severus tried to control her, calm her down, make her see bloody sense, "Lilium. Enough."

"I hate it!" She was shrieking now, like a mad woman, "I don't want any part of it, I didn't get a bloody choice—,"

She tugged free of his grip and somehow ended up on the ground, scrambling to get away until her back slammed into the opposite wall. She wildly scratched at the red and bubbled wound, ignoring the fresh agony that awakened, dragging her nails over and over against the flesh until it bled.

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