Sixth shot

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Just comment everytime you have any one shot ideas even I won't remind you in one of my one shots.

Sharing ideas still be going on until you don't have any ideas nor I have any ideas.


We're at our new house.

We were newly wed and I couldn't believe even if we're married arranged, we fell in love.

My husband carried me bridal style into our room and did our night.


I woke up in the morning by the sun's rays taping my face.

I looked at my side and saw Sasuke, sleeping while its arms around me and his face at my back.

I tried to get up but he held be tighter.

"You're awake, hon." He kissed my shoulder.

I turned to face him and connected our noses together.

"Want me to cook or we go outside?" I asked him.

He smiled and kissed me.

"I would like to taste my wife's food." He stated.

I sat up, covering my naked body and straight to the bathroom to take shower.

I went downstairs and saw Sasuke at the table, waiting for me.

I cooked bacon, ommelete and prepared some melon juice.

We ate our breakfast and decided to walk to the park and eat dinner at a restaurant.

~A month later

I always vommit, feel nauseus and sick.

Today, I vomitted again and Sasuke saw me.

I've been hiding this from him for quite a while because I don't want him to worry about me.

I flushed the toilet and washed my face and mouth.

"I'm fine." I told him as he placed his arms around me and placed his head on my shoulder.

"I think you're not. This is your first time vomitting. Are you sick?" He asked me.

I felt guilt.

He didn't knew I always feel sick and I vommit for two or three weeks by now.

"Actually, this isn't my first time." I confronted him.

He frowned.

"I knew you're keeping secrets from me." He said and crossed his arms.

"I did it because I don't want you to worry." I reasoned but I could see through his eyes his mad.

"Hinata! That's what couples are. We worry so we could take good care for each other!" He screamed at me.

"I know... I just thought it was for the best." I whispered.

"Ugh... since when are you like this?" He asked me.

"Quite long. Three, two weeks." I answered.

He was really mad.

"Three weeks?! You kept it from me for three fucking weeks!? I doubt why you always go to the bathroom." He punched the wall.

"Look, I know I'm over acting but, you shouldn't keep secrets from me." He hugged me and I hugged back.

"I know. I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Let's take a check up to see what's going on with you." He suggested.


I was pregnant.

Six months now.

I was having a baby boy.

We haven't chosen a name yet but, we're already planning.

Sasuke massaged my womb and whispered, trying to communicate with our baby.

I could tell we could be a big, happy family in the future.

This.... is.... weird.....

Like, how the heck did I come up with this?


I know SasuHina didn't happen but hey, we could still imagine though.

Anime is one of our imaginations that came to life and have been popular to us.

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